6 - I don't even know

769 19 10

Dan's Pov (OMG yay!)

He left. Finally. He would be back soon though I hated him why did I even date him?

I picked myself of the floor mainly because there was lots of blood gathering there from cuts that he made on my body

I walked over to the old smelly couch and face planted it crying making it sound muffled so Charlie hopefully didn't hear me I knew he would go to the pub and if I left he would actually kill me and when he got back he would beat me and that continued and he only gave me 2 glasses a water for one day no good it anything I hated it

Phil kept me going I kept thinking about him wishing to be with him and hating myself for what I did to him leaving him like that I just hoped he would forgive me

The door suddenly opened slowly and someone walked in while I was still crying

"Dan" there voice cracked


I shot up and saw him there he looked tired and fed up but when he saw me his eyes lit up and sparkled

And then it was like the movies as we ran the short distance between us into a massive hug cliché I know but it's how it is

Phil buried his face into my shoulder squeezing me tightly as tears ran down his cheeks as he looked so sad yet happy

"Dan I've missed you" He cried

"Phil I never stopped thinking about you! I was horrible dick to you but I had to otherwise Charlie would of took me but he already has and would of anyway and now I don't know anymore" I said eyes watering I meant every word of it

"I thought you had died Dan" Phil sobbed not letting go of my t-shirt and I didn't let go of him

"I'll never leave you Phil" I said squeezing him in reassurance not wanting to let go

"Well what do we have here?" I froze

Oh shit Charlie

I was looking directly at him and Phil turned around too to see Charlie, who looked a little drunk and was clutching a knife

"Aw are you in love or something?" I didn't respond

Did I love Phil?

I cared for him a lot sure

I found him quite hot

I just don't even know

Wtf who am I kidding!?

I was pulled back to reality after the long awkward silence when Charloe spoke again

"Phil, leave or die" he said in a menacing tone

"I'm not leaving Dan I wouldn't survive without him" Phil said bravely and I felt my heart melt

"Either way your going to die then, stupid really, you are depressed and lonely it's all you'll ever be!"

That must of hurt. Suddenly he lunged towards Phil cutting all down his arm as he fell to the ground and cut along his legs

I grabbed him knocking the knife far away and throwing him on the floor when I heard Phil

"Dannn" he whispered

Suddenly Troye rushed in on the phone

"Yes I need the police and an ambulance at 21 Tril lane right now please hurry!"

Charlie was still on the floor but weak as Troye grabbed him tying his legs and arms together so he wasn't going anywhere while I rushed over to Phil

"Philly are you awake?" I said softly

No response

I squeezed his hand


I checked his pulse

He was still alive but bleeding badly

I held him close using cushion covers to wrap around his cuts in his arms and legs until the ambulance arrived taking me and Phil

Troye and rang Tyler and he arrived and they both went to the police to explain everything but Phil and I where in need of medical attention

"Will Phil be ok?"

"Yes but he will need stitches (Now I've got Shawn Mendes stitches I'm my head lol)

I sat beside him clutching his hand until he had to go into a different room and I was getting examined

I wasn't that bad just need some antiseptic, painkillers and rest whereas I had to wait to see Phil

"Mr Howell?"


"Mr Lester would wish to speak to you"

I nodded walking in and when the door was shut I ran over to Phil hugging him

"Oh Phil"

"Dan I've missed you so much"

I lay with my head on Phil's chest

"I've missed you way to much Phil"

"I just wanna go home don't you?" Said Phil

"Yeah home with you and doing videos, tweeting, having fun really"

"I think we can go home soon" I said happily

The doctor suddenly walked in and I moved off Phil but grabbed his hand

"Mr Lester and Mr Howell your progress is really good and you're free to go but Phil needs to keep having the anti depressants"

We both nodded and she left

Home with Phil


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