12 - Telling

635 16 10

Phil's Pov

Today was the day we where going to tell the fans everything we had already told our parents we couldn't get hold if my dad but we phoned Martyn and he was very happy to be an uncle and told us that my dad was in holiday somewhere

Dan's mum was ecstatic she screamed down the phone in happiness and arrived at our house a couple hours later with bags of Dan's old baby clothes and baby things and actually burst into tears when she saw Dan and hugged me lots telling me how happy she would be to become a grandmother

Now the fans, I knew some wouldn't accept us or Dan being pregnant but I knew people would as lots of people shipped us anyways and wrote smutty 'phan'fics about us

I sat infront of the camera in Dan's room (because we were putting the video on Dan's channel) while Dan was outside the room waiting for my signal to enter

"Hey guys" I said waving to the camera

"So were not going to edit this and just come straight out with it me and Dan are dating and have been for a while but in other news..."

I stopped as Dan walked in and you could tell he was bigger

"Dan's pregnant!" I shouted giggling as did Dan sitting down

"Yes I am and this isn't some weird joke here is the sonogram pictures" said Dan showing then the camera

"And yes it is Phil and mines baby because I was kind of a carrier but I never knew because there was a very very small chance of this happening but  Phil made it possible cause he's pretty amazing" said Dan smiling

"The baby his due on November the 7th 2016 and Dan is 14 weeks in but we can't find out the gender yet but we will be making more baby vlogs on our new channel DanAndPhilBabyVlogs and don't forget to subscribe!"

"Bye internet!" Dan added as I ended the video

"Well that went well I'll upload that later" said Dan

"Yeah ok wanna help me go through some of them clothes you got from your mum"

"Sure and Phil we really need to go shopping because barely any of my tops fit me anymore and I can't find any I like online so will you go shopping and find some" Dan said blushing because he didn't want to go outside as he knew everyone would stare

"Sure Dan I'll go now you can start having a look through stuff"

I quickly grabbed a jacket and kissed Dan goodbye and started to walk to the nearest clothes place which happened to be new look

There were maternity clothes there just massive t-shirts I grabbed 7 black ones and paid quickly and walked home

"Honey I'm home!" I called

"In hear" I heard a voice from the lounge

"I got you 7 tops as there is like 7 days and they were all one size so yeah I hope they fit"

Dan quickly took off his too and placed a new one over his body

"It's a bit big but I'll grow and it's very comfortable so that good thanks Phil"

"No probs" I said

I looked and all over the floor Dan had made little piles of baby clothes most of then where cream and white so try where perfect but there were some small blue clothes which where adorable

"Omi god there so cute! I can't wait till were parents Dan" I said

"Same but I am a bit scared too"

"Of course you're going to be scared Dan I'm scared for you too but we'll get through this together always ok"

"Ok But also Phil after our baby is born can we still have sex and not worry about me getting pregnant or not?"

"I don't know we'll ask at your next scan which is in like 2 weeks right?"

"Yeah and we can find out the gender of the baby"

"OMG I can't wait!" I said happily

We carried on looking at all the clothes got quite a while before we got bored and decided to upload the video from earlier

"3...2...1...upload!" I counted down and Dan uploaded it and tweeted and I retweeted straight away he face booked it as did I and then we went and checked the comments

OMG so cuteeeee

YAS a phan baby!

There adorable

OMG Phil tops 2k16!

I laughed at the last comment and smiled the internet was awesome I texted our friends the news too

I had everything I ever wanted


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