7 - Home

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Phil's Pov

I was finally home with Dan I felt so happy like I could explode but also afraid of losing Dan again

We got back and flopped on the couch together and turned the TV on

"Dan can you promise something for me?"

"Sure Phil"

"Never leave me" I said leaning on him

"I promise Phil" he said running his fingers through my hair as I sighed happily and Dan smiled

"Phil have you had a tablet today?"

"Erm well"

"Phil you know you need to have it"

"But it tastes like corpses" I moaned

"Phil come on" Dan pulled me off the couch and we walked into my room and I sat on the bed as Dan rummaged through my draws to find my tablets

"Phil why is only 1 used?"

I lay on the bed face in my pillow



"I'm sorry Dan but with you gone I was so sad and I didn't care anymore" I said

Dan sat beside him and I leaned on him

"Phil you're gonna get better and do you wanna join my liveshow later?"

I nodded

"But first have your tablet"

I sighed but had it

"Thanks Dan I've missed you" I sighed

"Phil I haven't been gone that long it was like a couple days"

"But you haven't been you and I've missed that" I said

Dan hugged me a I felt tired even though it was only 6pm

Dan's Pov

Phil drifted off to sleep and he looked adorable

I let sleep but I wasn't going to move I didn't want to leave him but I quickly ran into my room picking up my laptop and going back into Phil's room and going on tumblr and tweeting

Hey peasants! I'm going live in an hour and a certain @AmazingPhil will be joining me

I responded to some fans and went back on tumblr scrolling past phan art of me and Phil which was really well drawn and cute

I wondered whether to wake Phil up but I decided to wake him up live on younow

"Hello Internet welcome to my liveshow"

"Yeah I'm in Phil's room today and look he's asleep" I said turning my laptop to Phil as I looked at the comments

OMG he's so cute


Wake him up

"Ok I'll wake him up"

"Phil! Wake up!"


"The internet wants to see you"

"But I don't want to see them" he said cutely

"Pleaseeeeeeeee Philly" I said

"Fine, Hey guys" he said sitting up and waving

Omg so much phan

Hey 'Philly'

When is the next video coming out?

"Well the next video will be on Phil's channel" I answered

"Including a very special person" he added

I smiled as I knew it was me, Phil was adorable

The younow lasted another 45 minutes and I was almost dying as I was so hungry

"Phil what do you want for dinner?" I asked

"Pizza!" He said sitting up

"Ok the usual I guess"

Phil nodded as I reached for my phone ordering a pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza

It arrived pretty quickly and I went to get it and Phil set up a movie on his laptop in his room

"What we watching?" I asked flopping down on his bed

Phil smirked and pressed play and high school musical filled the screen as we settled and ate pizza

I leaned on Phil and continued watching but he seemed to get fidgety near the end

"You ok Phil?" I asked worriedly

"Yeah" he said obviously lying

"What is it?" I asked

"Um W-will you like um sleep with m-me tonight" he said blushing

"Sure" I said excitedly

I slid into his bed and lay there awkwardly as did Phil I was cold I shuffled closer and out my arm around him

"Are you ok with this?"

"Yeah perfect I mean um..." He trailed off blushing red but shuffled closer

Man I loved this guy


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