■ Beginning of something again

ابدأ من البداية

"Yes. No arguments please. I have had enough for today," He said, rubbing his face, "If you don't trust me, text him and tell him yourself again."

"You are completely mad and I will call him once after eating. He doesn't sleep until two," I said boldly, chewing the pie.

"Is that how-"

"Firstly, outside you are not my boss. Secondly, which boss takes his employee home, feeds her and makes her stay? You could've just taken me to a hospital or my place," I retorted. He stood there quietly for few seconds, giving me a steely look.

"Don't stop eating. Your medicines and prescription are there in the drawer. You have to follow it for a week," He ordered and left. I looked at the different kinds of food, "Oh boy, what do we have next?"

After half an hour, I had a pie, pancakes, waffles. I was in heaven. Surprisingly, I didn't feel stuffed. I felt content and deliciously happy. My headache had reduced considerably and I knew by next morning, I would be fine. I just needed some rest now.

He came back just as I finished eating, having changed his outfit, "Done?" He asked, looking quite okay in track pants and a cotton t-shirt and wet hair. Patches of his shirt stuck to his body from the water and I was not complaining.

He had a flat stomach, even I did not have that. Good god, I was jealous now.

I nodded, "Food was really good. Thank your cook for me."

"You can sleep here," He said, again ignoring what I said.

"Isn't this your room?" I asked.

"Yes. I will take the guest room," He said as a matter of fact.

"Are you alright? Did you get hit by a meteor?" I asked, feeling really concerned.

"Don't push my buttons, Allison Marshall. I just don't want my employees falling sick. They need to stay fit. I have asked Elle to give you spare clothes. Go to sleep. And no need of going to work tomorrow. Take the day off. My driver will drop you off tomorrow," He narrowed his eyes at me.

This. Is. Awesome!

Maybe I should faint more.

He stared at me as if wanting to say more. Then deciding against it, he turned.

Just as he reached the door, he paused again and said without turning, "I never thought you would finish those files. No one could do it. It wasn't meant for completion in one day. I was... surprised you did it. Good job," He walked away quickly, shooting me a last glance.

This was the first time he praised me for my job.

"Hallelujah!" I pumped my fist in air before wanting to ask one more question.

"Hey, wait!" I got up, wobbling over due to lack of blood flow. I stretched my muscles before running out.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the room?" He scowled, "Listen to me for once, will you?"

"Did I make any mistakes in the files?" I asked, a little breathless.

He didn't say anything for a second, just frowned.

"No, you didn't."

But I knew I had. He was hiding. I was too hungry to check and I had made many mistakes. He didn't say that. For the first time I had made mistakes in my work and he hadn't even scold me, let alone shout.

Which was so weird if somebody asked me. It meant I had lost, I did finish those files but I didn't do it successfully. Yet, he wasn't chastising me. Instead, he praised me. This wasn't the sign of a usual boss. Whatever was in the night, huh?

I genuinely felt like going and hugging him but I couldn't. He was still my boss and I was still his employee. He would skewer me alive if I touched him.

"Thank you," I smiled, indirectly thanking him for hiding my faults, "So, are we cordial now?"

By the look on his face, I would say he understood why I said it, "Go sleep. Don't speak or break any things otherwise I am taking money from you."

I smiled widely at him. He swallowed uncomfortably as he looked at me, "You can lodge a complaint at the HR if you want. I won't say anything."

"I won't if you promise to not burden me with unnecessary work to fulfill your motive. I actually like my work and I am learning a lot so it would be a shame if I got shifted somewhere else or you had to forcefully approve my resignation."

His face was unreadable again. I seriously wished I could understand expressions. He gave a small nod, "I won't. However, you will never pull this kind of stunt again. If you feel ill, you are to tell me or someone else. You are not to compromise your health for... whatever that it is. If I had known you were having issues, I wouldn't have burdened you. So, the next time, don't do that again. That's an order."

"Okay, I won't."

"Hmm, now go take rest."

He walked away quietly and I went back to the room.

If I saw this side of him regularly, I knew I wouldn't mind going back to work everyday without dreading the consequent results. In fact, I might add I would even look forward to it. I stood against the locked door, smiling giddily like a teenager had met her hero as I repeated the events from half an hour ago.

Of course what he did wasn't right. He behaved like a child. However, I was ready to be the bigger person and let it go for my mental peace. Plus, Jared promised he wouldn't and yes, I still trusted him. If there was one thing I knew, when he spoke and promised something to me, he meant it.

He might have promised to take his revenge and it culminated to this day. Now if he promised he was ready to let that ploying scheme of his, he would.

Maybe old Jared Grey wasn't dead, he had just gone into hibernation.

Well, if that was the case, it was time to wake up, Hitler. Winter's over.

Swapped Feelings | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن