Day 475 - March 31

40 5 135


Midnight starts Camp NaNo tonight! Who's excited? I'll try a partial summary since I was mostly on today as well. -Dark


Today's Tidbit:

Song day once more!

"Is anyone there?
I wanna scream:
Is this a dream?
How could this happen,
Happen to me?
This isn't fair.
This nightmare.
This kind of torture
I just can't bear.
I want you here,
I want you here.
An ache
So deep
That I
Can hardly breathe..."
-Plumb, I Want You Here


Previously on CM UC:

Chat starts first as Bishop finds Isi once more trying to teach herself to fly off a cliff. But any sort of peace is quickly interrupted as Hayis finally finds them, not at all acting like himself and not even listening to them as he immediately starts to attack. Isi is wounded and Bishop tries to defend her, getting wounded himself and unable to get through to the shadow before help starts to arrive.

Kailyn and Darcel are first to come, one trying to fend off Hayis and the other stunned he is even attacking. Blows from Kailyn and a quick visit from Donna finally render Hayis from fighting them, just in time for a very convenient appearance of the Shadow King, come to take Hayis away finally.

Everyone is obviously suspicious of his timing and reasons, though he speaks no lies about how shadows act like animals. Kailyn turns to heal Isi while she listens, but Isi is quick to pass out from blood loss and Bishop goes to take care of her. Only Darcel and Kailyn managed to follow after the Shadow King into Soa in an attempt to keep Hayis and know what happened.

The Shadow King is none too happy about them following, refusing to leave even as leering shadows watch them with hungry eyes. However, Kailyn strikes a deal with the Shadow King. If she wins a two out of three rounds in a fight with the shadows of his choosing, he must tell her what it is he's trying to hide and how it involves Hayis; but if she loses, he gets to choose what he wants from her.

He takes the deal, even allowing Darcel to tend to Hayis now, and Kailyn is quick to win the first round. Until she is met to fight Hayis in the second round, and with a plea from Darcel, and after receiving a wound from not wanting to fight Hayis, resolving she would just win the final round, the Shadow King calls Hayis the winner, leaving her final round to face himself.

While she may be a skilled fighter, she cannot fight a command she doesn't know anything about and she is tricked into surrendering and losing. Pleas from Darcel earn her to be knocked out quickly, and Kailyn is forced to leave, but she doesn't stay away long as she returns, angered for being played.

Making a quick move, she manages to get Hayis back to the Academy woods, but the Shadow King follows as she expected for a fight. Tempers flare even more as Sparrow shows, and after too many buttons are pushed, the King nearly kills Kailyn. At least, until a certain name mentioned from Sparrow has him regretting it, healing her, and running.

It is short lived though as a new presence comes into the woods: the Guardian. Riddles and threats are thrown around, and even some secrets are spilled as Kailyn learns the Shadow King's real name -- Fallus. While the two might be at each other's throats yet, bickering like school children, that fight is soon forgotten by the Guardian's interest in cutting off a certain witch's hands.

By the end, their quarrel is forgotten as Fallus helps to heal Kailyn and the Guardian leaves with a threat to Soa and its people to be destroyed, leaving the Shadow King to hurry off home, and Kailyn to finally manage to get herself home.

Will Isi ever learn to fly and might Raven be able to help her learn? Just what had gotten into Hayis that they don't know about? Is Kailyn getting closer to finding out the truth about the Shadow King and turning ally with him? Or will another hotheaded fight have them once more trying to murder the other? Is Hayis safe once more from the King's interest? Will the Guardian follow through on his threat to Soa? And what will he want from the people of the woods when he next returns?

Find out next time in CM UC!

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