Day 598 - August 1

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Happy August, folks!

Where has the time gone? Summer is already winding down. Pretty soon we'll be thinking of pumpkin flavored everything, warm hoodies and bonfires, breezy days, and changing leaves. And All Hallow's Eve. 🎃 It has gone way too fast.

Also, we are two days away from the 600th Day Anniversary. Holy crap. Do we want to do anything? I know Chaos has something fun planned in a plot that I think would be great for this. (Yeah, I know what is it and no I'm not spoiling it.) Would we like to go for that for Wednesday if all or most are available for some interesting fun? Actually let me know this time, please. It's hard to update something for a big plot day if no one gets back to me. So talk amongst yourselves, decide if you'd like some fun for that day, and please let me know.

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