Who Are They? - Hero Edition

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"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

No one knows exactly who they are except themselves and even then, do they know? The mind blocks out many things, forgotten, pushed deep into the depths of the subconscious. What they might not see in themselves, others may see clearing written upon their faces.

"Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed." -Bob Riley

"It is impossible to strive for the heroic life. The title of hero is bestowed by the survivors upon the fallen, who themselves know nothing of heroism." -Johan Huizinga

Introducing the heroes of CM UC!:


Isildilia is twenty years old female. She is by natural form a white dragon with the occasional lilac scales, but among the group she much prefers to take a human form, having been raised with one. Since regaining her dragon form one day, her appearance changed since her human days. Her eyes are bright violet, but they change colour based upon her emotion, blue for sad, yellow for scared etc. Her hair is bleach white, and hangs loose down her back, only getting tied up for battle. She chooses often not to wear clothes, but instead can make her own white scales appear to cover up the vital parts of her body. When it is required, she would put on clothing. Her weapon tends to be her decorative sword, Lillarth.

She's quite a bubbly, innocent type appearance, despite all the blood and battle she is forced into. But there is another side to her, one that doesn't make too much of an appearance.


Hayis is a seven foot tall, thin creature who looks very bony, almost like Jack Skelington. His eyes are all red, no pupils or whites, just red and has very sharp black teeth. He doesn't really have hair, but has spikes on the back of his head crown-style. He commonly wears a black cloak, and while he is hundreds of years old, acts to be in his 30s.


Victoria (Vicki) Blossom is a relatively short, thin girl with a short black A-line haircut. Her hair, while cropped short, is slightly wavy, and she has pale skin. She has wide, dark blue eyes and typically wears a knee-length skirt and form-fitting hoodie that is a mosaic-patterned design of red, blue and yellow. She is always seen with a silver circlet on her head.


Jacob Aster is a young man who is always seen wearing a snazzy suit with a red tie. He has tan skin and short, crewcut dark brown hair. He has a glittering smile with straight teeth, although his teeth may seem slightly larger, almost vampiric at times in his smile. He has two, dark red devil horns and a forked tail (although he usually likes to hide these) as well as two, almost dragon like dark red wings.


Kailyn Daemon is 19 years old and about 5'5" in height. She's skinny, barely weighing over 100 pounds but strong. After a fateful night many years ago, her eyes are a startling bright green color. However, when angered and her magic begins to get the best of her, her eyes will darken in color to a forest green, close to that of her mentor's. She wears black eyeliner and eye shadow always. Her hair is a golden brown, closer to a light brown and comes down to the bottom of her shoulders though it's normally worn up in a clip with a few strands framing her face. She is almost always wearing tight black pants with knee-high boots adorned with buckles. A tight black shirt or a black cami completes it. Sometimes she has a black cloak on as well. Her necklace is a silver Pentacle (a star within a circle) with a red gem at the top point of the star. At her waist she always has two daggers, one on each hip.

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