About Us - Rules

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Ok though this is a bit of fun and a game we do take this seriously. Real life drama does happen in this book and is not allowed, some make you laugh, others make you cry. Let's just not go that route.

But there are a few simple rules:

1- Be nice. Honestly this should be obvious. If someone made a mistake, correct them in a nice manner just so they know. This isn't a place to take out your life problems on. As stated above, real life drama does not happen in this roleplay and will not be tolerated.

2- Don't overdo a character. Not everyone is Goku, A good character development has weaknesses as well as strengths. No god complexes or invincible characters, make them real.

3- Understand what is going on- It's easier for everyone if you understand the settting before starting. If unsure, just ask someone quickly. We easily put our questions or comments that are not part of the roleplay writing in ( ).

4- If a villian plot is going on, please wait your turn before bringing in new trouble.

5- If the plot controller vanishes, a temp will be put up to linger in until they are back if they will be gone for a long time.

6- If you are unsure it is a good time to drop your character in, or it seems a lot is going on, please ask. Like stated above, ask what is going on and use your best judgment in how to bring your character in. If you don't know what to do, ask if there is a way you can join, or wait for an opening and things to calm down.

7- Enjoy yourself. Seriously, this is the main part, this is all a bit of fun after all.

Any problems or questions PM anyone you see that is a regular, or you may PM this account and the user that runs the account will get back to you. :)

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