Day 600 - August 3: Fallus' Truth or Dare

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Happy 600th Anniversary, CMers!

Wow. It's hard to believe we've been doing this for 600 days now. Over a year and a half. That's a long time. But as our tradition goes, here's another anniversary plot for the big day!

As it was discussed and I heard from I think a majority of us that today is okay for Chaos to run the show on a fun plot, that is what will be happening. So! Here is how today's anniversary plot is going to go:

It will seem like a regular day. Your characters will show up in the clearing, going about their normal -- if we can call them normal -- lives and routines. We only ask that today you refrain from taking your characters anywhere else other than the clearing, and that no huge drama comes about so that this will remain fun.

Once Chaos is on, she will pick up and start the show off with what she has planned, so follow her characters' leads. And it is going to be a surprise, I am not spoiling this in any way because it is more awesome with the mystery factor to it.

When the mystery is revealed with what she is doing, then you'll all know self explanatory how this plot is going to work out. Just trust me on that.

Last of all, I know our anniversary plots are normally stand alone and the characters don't remember them after today. That is not the case this time. This plot will carry on through the rest of CM from here on out. So what your characters learn and experience here will not be dismissed as stand alone. It will remain part of our story.

Bring as many of your characters along to this plot as you wish! The more the merrier and the more interesting on this one! I will say that much.

Now have fun! And enjoy!

(P.S. Once Chaos has revealed the mystery I will change the title of this day to better suit what the plot was, but I don't want to give it away.)

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