Day 460 - March 16

49 7 392


I really wasn't around for much yesterday to know the majority of what happened. Today is going to be the same way, I have a longer shift today...and tomorrow. I'm not going to try a summary for yesterday since I only know what happened after I showed up from work and brewed trouble. All I really know is chatting happened, and someone new named Darcel made an appearance while I was gone. And I'm getting too tired to glance through comments to make even half a summary. Sorry, guys. If someone wants to give me a quick run down of anything important that happened while I was at work, I can attempt to make a small summary sometime today. But again work is in my way. Sorry again. -Dark


Today's Tidbit:

"You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it."
-Neil Gaiman

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