Who Are They? - Villain Edition

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"Nobody is a villain in their own story. We're all the heroes of our stories." -George R. R. Martin

You could call them wicked, vile, and corrupt. Many already call them that. But really, if you look at it from their point of view, they aren't all that bad. They're just efficient in getting what they want. But don't take it from me, listen to the villains themselves. They'll do a much better job of explaining it anyways.

"It is the man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways." -Buddha

"Sometimes someone that is the 'villain' in your life, when you look deeper and you think of what their issues are and why they behave like that and where they came from -- they become less of a villain and more of someone that you can understand." -Brooke Elliott (#sympathyforyourvillain)

Introducing the villains of CM UC!:


Valin, now that Yalothiz was killed became the new villain, but not by choice. Twisted by a madness, controlling poison Yalothiz created it dyed his silver hair and green eyes solid black. The blood under his veins turned thick and black, clear against his pale skin, like someone had drawn over him in a marker. He tends to wear an outfit of black, with a black hat sporting a purple feather. His normal form was a forest-green dragon ,but the poison had turned the form black as well.


Fallus (aka, the Shadow King) is a black-skinned shadow who stands at 7 feet tall. He has all white eyes and a white crescent smile. He is very thin and limber with sharp-tipped long fingered hands. Other than these details, he looks like the silhouette of a normal man. He usually wears a dark cape.


Alastair is a handsome young man with short gold hair and warm, brown eyes. He usually wears a clean suit of armor and always has a sword with him. He is muscular, and seems very welcoming at first glance, but usually wears a cold look.


Emora is a lovely woman with long, dark chestnut curls that go down to her lower back. She has dark brown eyes and has pale skin and dark red lips. She usually wears a long maroon dress.


The Dark One (aka Ciara) is in her late thirties roughly and about 5'6" in height. She's slim and tall, a body shape that most men would ogle at. Her eyes are a dark forest green and she wears black eyeliner. She has straight, long, jet black hair that comes a little above the middle of her back. Her long nails are painted black. She is always wearing black as well. Tight pants that look like leggings and a tight black shirt very similar to Kailyn. She wears black boots as well. She wears no visible jewelry and also sometimes wears a black cloak. On one hip is always a knife and she has a few more hidden on her person. Ciara is also Kailyn's Mentor.


Freeda is a telekinetic; a human-looking figure with telekinesis and mind control abilities. She has messy, blonde hair, and grey eyes. She's about the same height and age as her rival, Abby. Freeda and Abby's minds are linked, meaning that they can end up controlling each other. Sometimes this means their personalities end up getting mixed up with each other.


The Enemy is simply human, a middle-aged man with silver hair and a face that looks as though the skin is stretched just a bit too tight. His eyes are grey, and he usually wears a pristine white lab coat. He goes by the name of Simon Payralle.


Farashined (aka The King of Space) was once a Yerii like Aiyae, with tinged green skin and a silver cloak. Now, after many years, Farashined is more human than Yerii, with black stumps where the two lower arms used to be, one human arm, the other Yerii, one human blue eye on the right side of his face, and a gaping hole where the other should be. His face is a quilt of different patches of human skin. The only areas where his original skin shows are around the mouth, and a few patches on the forehead.

And so, the villains. They attack without question, harm without thought. Break, torture, kill, kidnap, and destroy all that lays in their path. No hesitance shows in their tactics, no deed is to horrific for them. Some may be but empty shells trying to attain their dreams by any means necessary. Others may truly hold the capacity for evil with no reason behind their actions but that of pleasure. For them, they walk the dark side, and they will stop at nothing.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. But the real conflict is between truth and lies." -Miguel Angel Ruiz

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