Chapter 5: Getting to know the school

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"How? What? Why?" Hailey asks looking back at Hyungki.

"I don't know what to say except that they are KPOP idols." Hyungki stands up putting his backpack over his shoulders.

"Well, is there anything else we need to know about them?" Anna asks.

"Hmmm...." Hyungki thinks for a while. "Ahhh.... Every teachers obey them and most of the students here obey them too. They're like... The kingkas of this school."

"Oh. Well, they r nice rite? Cuz when we met them, they were..." Hailey asks.

"Most of the times, yes they are. But there are times where they can act rude toward people. No one knows y. They just..m suddenly becomes mean, then the next day, they are back to their selves. Maybe its a concept? Idk."

"Anything else we need to know about them?" Anna asks crossing her arms.

"Be careful. Don't get too close with them. The fangirls here will kill u." Hyungki playfully smirks.

"OK.. What else? Anything else?" Hailey asks looking desperate.

"No... That's all u need to know about them. I think. But there are few things u need to know about the school and the students here. But I'll tell u after class, I need to go to my locker first. See ya!" Hyungki waves and heads out of the class.

Anna and Hailey stays in the class realizing their next class is the same room. They talk until the students come in one by one. The teachers comes in as soon as the bell rings.

After a few seconds, Bangtan Boys, aka BTS came in and sat in their desk. The teacher didn't care and starting introducing herself to Anna and Hailey. In the middle of her introduction, a small boys runs in the classroom sitting in his seat, he was late, but unlike BTS, he got in trouble.

Hmmm, I get what Hyumgki means by the teachers obey BTS.

Skip to lunch.

Hailey, Anna, and Hyungki walks to the lunchroom. They order the food there and eat.

"Well, r u going to tell us about the school and the students or whatever?" Hailey asks drinking her cup of water.

"Oh rite... Forgot, sorry." Hyungki swallows his foods and puts his utensils down, folding his hands. "This school is one of the top best schools in Seoul..."

"We know that. And?" Anna says.

"Dang. Ok. So... Not that many teachers and other people don't know about the students here, well, except for BTS. There r many bad kids here too."

"What do u mean?" Anna asks not wanting to regret going to this school.

"Like, some of the student here r... Just bad kids. They don't listen to teachers, they sleep in class, they smoke, they do bad things, and all those stuff."

As soon as Anna heard 'they sleep in class', she remembered the boy in her class who sat behind her, he was sleeping and wants paying attention to anything. And now that she thinks about it, he left class with a small kid, and that kid didn't come back to next class.

"Hyungki-ah." Anna calls out.

"No no no. Hyumgki oppa. Both of u guys call me that, since I'm older than u guys."

Anna rolls her eyes. "Yeah, like by a few months. Anyways, let Anna talk." Haliey says. "Thank u." Anna looks at Hailey then back at Hyungki.

"In our class, there is a guy who sits behind me. He was sleeping in class and wasn't paying attention. And now that I think about it, after class, he took a small boy from our class and in our next class, he didn't come back, and the class after that, and after that, and after that. And I don't think he's in the lunchroom either."

"Oh... Yeah. Hes one of the 'bad boys'. So be careful of him, especially when ur sitting right in front of him. He was sleeping all day today so I'm pretty sure he didn't realize u were there. But when he does, be careful. Don't talk back to him, don't be rude. Just, obey him too. People in our school, obeys 2 types of groups. 1, BTS. 2, those bad boys. But BTS and those gangster bad boys or whatever don't obey each other. They hate each other. They're like, enemies, foes." Hyungki takes a bite out of his apple.

"Oh... How many of those, 'bad boys' are in our class?" Anna asks.

"Like... 4. There are more of them but they're in another class so u don't have to worry about them. Just be careful if those 4 guys in our class. And whoever in our class is considered 'lucky' cuz ALL of the BTS MEMBERS r in that class."

"Oh..." The bells rings and everyone starts to throw their trash away, going to the halls. Anna, Hailey, and Hyungki walks in the hallways and stops by their lockers which is next to each other. Hyungki's locker. Then Hailey's. Then Anna's. Then.... Jungkook, V, Jimin, Suga, Jin, J Hope, RapMon...

Hailey and Hyingki heads to their class. Anna stays at her locker to put some books in her locker. When about to leave to her class, she realizes she doesn't remember the way there. As soon as she was going to call Hyungki or someone, she sees the 4 guys who were in her class, the gangster bad boys. They walked to class and Anna decided to follow them to class.

Suddenly, they stop walking and look at Anna. Anna's eyes widens, not knowing what to do.

"Who r u? Y r u following us?" One of them said.

"I'm going to class." Anna says confidently.

"Well, r u in the same class as us? Cuz ur going our way." Another said, smirking.

"Yeah, I am." She looks pass them and sees her class. "Now I know the way there so, I'll get going.

Anna starts to walk and as soon as she walks pass them, one of them holds her wrist. "I never saw u in our class."

"That's cuz u guys were sleeping and not paying attention." Anna tries to get rid of the grip, but he was too strong.

"Let's talk for a minute." They push her in the hallway, covering her mouth, not letting her make a sound. They were 'kidnapping' her to another classroom.

"What? No. LET GO OF...MHHMM." I'm going to be late, and I'm dead. Anna thought.

They took her into an empty classroom and let her go, closing the door, and locking it. The bell rings.

"Great. Now I'm late to class. Move." Anna tries to escape and leave the room, but 2 of them were blocking the door and the other 2 were pushing Anna away to the wall.

"I know ur new. But... U need to know a few things." One of them says walking forward Anna as she walks backwards.

"I don't. And I don't want to." Anna tries to leave but the other one blocks her. Anna leans back on the wall while 2 of them walks closer.

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