Chapter 1: Last day of school

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*bell rings*

"Anna!" Hailey runs up to Anna who is sitting on her desk drawing a picture. "Hey Hailey."

"U packed everything right? Don't forget our flight is tomorrow!" Hailey smiled widely sitting at the empty seat next to Anna.

"Yeah yeah... Of course I know... I can't wait! We finally get to go to Korea!"

"Everything is gonna be perfect. Except for one thing." Hailey smile turns upside down.

"What?" Anna waits for Hailey to answer, but instead hailey keeps sighing. "What?"

"We have to go to school in Korea."

"Oh. U know the real problem is, how are we gonna get a part time job?" Anna crosses her arms.

"We'll figure something out when we get there." The bell rings and Hailey goes back to her seat. This is their last class, and last day of school in America.

After school they went to Anna's house. Hailey decided to bring all of her things and sleepover at Anna's then leave in the morning.

"Ahhhh! Feels good!" Hailey lays down on Anna's bed. Anna smiles and lays down next to her. "Excited for tomorrow?"

"Of course! My friends said we might meet an idol."

"Hailey... There is no way we are gonna meet a idol. Korea is big so... Idk about that." Anna stands up and leans on the wall looking at her phone. All day, until 9pm, they talked for what they were going to do when they get to Korea.

After eating dinner that Anna's mom made. They got ready to sleep since their flight is a bit early.

"Good night Annabanana"

"Ok, Hailey, just because my name rhymes with banana doesn't mean u can call me that."

"Fine. I won't. Banana." she smiles big.

"Goodnight." Anna rolls her eyes playfully and goes to sleep.

Yeah I'm sorry guys... This chapter is super short but I promise the next chapters will be long enough...!

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