Reach the peak of the end, he seem to feel it too pulling back to look at me intently pushing inside me deeper and faster never leaving my eyes. He licks his lips staring down at me gripping my waist tightly nodding at me.

"Let go baby" His voice strained and husky.

I gasp arching my back my nails digging onto his shoulders and with one final movement we climaxed together. He stroke himself inside me a few more times groaning quietly before pulling out.

He cleaned himself up and came back placing a kiss on my shoulder both of us breathless.

"You're amazing" He breathes wrapping his arms around me.

I smiled widely feeling a glow wash over me relaxing in his arms never wanting to leave. I lay on his chest listening to his heart beat wildly.

"I love you Hailey" He whispered kissing my forehead.

"I love you more" I grinned never feeling happier in my life.


For the past few minutes after the bell rung for class Sky and I were wrapped in each other's arms unable to untangle ourselves from each other as if we don't want to leave with a minute without touching each other.

"We're both late and I really need to go." I mumbled against his lips which he end up bitting my lower lip to stop me from moving pushing his tongue between my lips where I nipped him making him groan not letting me go and I don't want him to.

"Who cares we are late anyway" He mumbled grinning widely.

Before he could kiss me I pulled away making him pout adorably I almost had the urge to kiss that lips once again.

The moment we woke up we found another craving for each other like last night we had a taste of what it makes us feel and now we are hooked, a drug we both want to get high on every waking second. With just a single touch we are lost in each other. It's a mericle that we made it to school in the morning.

"I need to get to class." I chuckled moving away from him slightly but it's like my body is a unwilling partiscipant in all this.

"Fine." He grumbled.

Our hands still locked as I began to walk backwards still holding onto him as far as our arms could reach for each other we didn't let go.

"I love you" I grinned never have I smiled this much in my life.

"I love you too" He grinned back.

Before I could finally pull away and head to class he grip my hands and pull me onto him roughly our lips smashed onto each other. There is nothing but this love I could compare to but I knew this love is my great love.

"Okay okay stop making me late" Sky pulled away and began walking away from me leaving me with my mouth opened blaming all of this on me.

I glance at him watching him walk down the hallway glancing over his with an amused look making me chuckle.

Oh boy. 

I don't think my heart can take what he is doing to me.


Jessica is not your typical popular girl in school yes she's mean, yes she thinks she's better then everyone because she's rich and yes she will ruin your life here if you get in her way. That's the scary part about Jessica she will not only ruin your school year until you decide to move away from here she will ruin your entire life because she can. She has money and resources and she will do everything in her power to destroy everything.

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