Chapter Three : New York and Car Crashes

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"Next week."

"Okay." I give her a small smile and she kisses my forehead.

"Thank you for understanding." She gets up and leaves my room.

After I hear the door close shut, I lay back on my bed and let out a sigh.

Well I better tell Cora.

Cora is the only friend I made since I woke up from my coma. I would tell her in person but she left with her cousin a few months ago 'cuz they had some family issues.

To: Cora
Hey, I'm moving back to Beacon Hills.

From: Cora
What the hell is a Beacon Hills?

To: Cora
It's apparently where I grew up.

From: Cora
Oh. When are you guys leaving?

To: Cora
Next week.

From: Cora
Okay, too bad I can't see you before you leave.

To: Cora
It's okay. We'll just text each other from time to time. Just like what we're doing right now.

From: Cora
Okay. I'm gonna miss you.

To: Cora
I'm gonna miss you too.

I place my phone on the side table and look at the clock. It's 10pm already. I better go to sleep.

I fix myself and put my blanket on me.

I wonder what'll happen when my old friends see my? I wonder how they would react to me telling them that I don't know them. That I forgot everything about them. That I was in a car crash that took away all of my memories.

Tbh, I never really forgave that idiot driver who caused the car crash that night. If it wasn't for him, I would still have my memories and I wouldn't have forgotten all the important people in my life.

I turn to my side and I see my reflection in the mirror on my side table. For a second, I thought I saw my eyes were glowing and that they were the color yellow. I guess I was just too sleepy and I just imagined it.

I close my eyes and let sleep come.
Cora's POV
She's going back.

I have to tell Derek.

We're in Mexico right now trying to help Argent find Kate, but we haven't gotten a lead in weeks.

I find Derek in a room with Argent. I guess they're discussing what to do when they find her.

"Hey, can I borrow Derek for a minute?"

"Sure." Argent says

Derek walks towards me all grumpy as usual.

"What is it now?" He folds his arms across his chest.

"She's going back."

He stays silent for a while. I know he knows who I'm talking about.


"I don't know but what's important is that she's going back."

"Well that's her problem now." He was about to leave but I stop him.

"We can't just leave her alone!"

"Yes we can!"

"Maybe you can but I can't. She's my friend!"

"Fine. If you want to help her, then I'm okay with it, but I'm not going with you."

Silence surrounds us but not for long.

"Then you'll have to find Kate without me." I leave and go back upstairs. I'm going back to Beacon Hills wether he likes it or not. I can take care of myself anyways.

I can't let Malia face her alone. Especially not now since she doesn't even know about her powers.

I saw what she did to Malia that night. It wasn't the crash that gave her amnesia. It was the wolfsbane.
I'm walking down the street. It's probably midnight so I better hurry up before Derek freaks out and start a search party for me. I'm still 12 so I shouldn't still be out this late in the night.

I suddenly hear gunshots and then I see an out of control car about to collide with another car. The next thing I hear is screeching sound of the tires and metal colliding with metal and the screams of the passengers inside the cars.

I search for where the gunshots came from and the I see a figure on top of a building. The building wasn't too high though. I run and hide in the corner, hoping the figure wouldn't see me.

I watch the figure jump from the building and walk towards the two cars. I now see that the figure is a woman. She raises her gun and then shots a person inside one of the cars. I wince at the thought of an innocent person being in a horrible car crash and then being shot to death.

When I look back at the scene, the figure is gone. I check to see if she's really gone and then walk towards the two cars.

I can smell the blood. When I get closer, I see a girl with a whole in her head.

She must be the one who that woman shot.

Glass is all over her arms and when I removed a broken shard, the cut immediately healed.

"You're like me." I whisper to no one.

I think of helping her out since she's a supernatural creature like me. I can see the bullet in her shoulder. It didn't go in to deep, just enough for me to pull it out with my claws. When the bullet was already in my hands, I noticed that it was covered in this purple dust.

"Oh no. Wolfsbane." I don't think she'll be okay.

I call 911 immediately and they arrive in no time.

When I got home, Derek was furious at me but I told him what happened and he told me that I did the right thing. He said that I could've just saved a life.
*end of flashback*

A few week after the accident, I thought of visiting the girl in the hospital since I knew which hospital she was in and what room. When I was close to her room, I heard the doctors talking about her condition, that she was in a coma and that she might get amnesia when she wakes up because the collision damaged her brain. I left that hospital with a million questions. As soon as I saw Derek in our house, I asked him why her didn't she heal fully. He told me that it was because of the wolfsbane. He told me that by the time I got to the girl, the wolfsbane already reached her brain. I didn't get there in time. I felt horrible because of that but he told me that if I wasn't there, the girl could've been dead already. He told me that I did what I could.

I didn't see that girl again until I saw her at school. We became friends and I made a promise to keep her safe. And I'm keeping that promise.

I'm in love now (Stalia Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang