Chapter 7: Nathaniel

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Kristen Stewart as Analeigh



"Nat it's 7:30!" Jameson yelled from what I assumed was the kitchen. I groaned, not making a move from in front of my bedroom mirror yet. I was dressed and bright eyed, primped to perfection like I always was every morning, but something wasn't quite right. I was sure if I just looked myself up and down for long enough I would realize what it was. My hair was expertly styled with a healthy shine, and my uniform was put on in the casual yet presentable way I had mastered. My tanned skin was smooth and my lips were just as soft and red as every other day. Still... something was off. "Nathaniel school starts in thirty minutes!"

"It's only a ten minute drive!" I yelled back, scrutinizing my identically arched eyebrows.

"Yeah well it's a twenty minute walk for you if you don't get your ass in my car in the next five minutes!" He threatened. Pouting at my reflection, I decided this would have to do. Better how I looked now than what I would look like after a twenty minute walk. Grabbing my bag from beside my door, I threw it over my shoulder and proceeded to the front door.

"You're far too grumpy this morning big bro." I grumbled as I took in Jamie's tall figure leaning against the exit. The sleep was just barely leaving his eyes and his permanent frown was stuck on his face as he rifled through his coat pockets for what I assumed were his car keys.

"Ugh. don't call me that." He scoffed, pulling a ring of keys free from their cloth confines. I followed him out the door, a teasing smile on my face. What better way to wake up Jamie up than by getting under his skin?

"Call you what BIG BRO?" I emphasized the name slowly, holding back a giggle as his mouth twitched. "If I didn't know any better BIG BRO, i'd say you had a problem with me calling you BIG BRO? But that couldn't be it, Right BIG BRO? What else would i call my BIG-"

"Say it one more time Nat and you can walk to school for the rest of the year." He said between clenched teeth, unlocking the car at the same time. I slid in, waiting patiently for him to enter the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. After a solid minute of driving, my evil smirk was back.

"You would be a terrible BIG BRO if you did that Jamie." I said to fill the silence.

"You think you're funny, but you're not." Jamie replied. "It would be in your best interest to not bother me this early in the morning. Be quiet Nathaniel."

"Or what BIG BRO?" I pushed, secure in my knowledge that he wouldn't punish me.

"Or i'll make you be quiet myself." He warned.

"And just how will you do that BIG BRO?" I laughed.

"It won't be too hard to find a more productive way to use your mouth." He answered me, stopping my laughing fit. I felt my pants immediately tighten from his words. "Another peep from you and i'll have you memorize and recite your entire textbook."

"Oh right, you mean..." I trailed off, feeling my cheeks flame. I knew Jamie was staring at me now, obviously confused by my sudden change in mood. I picked my bag up from by my feet and sat it on my lap, silently cursing myself for being such a horny teenager.

"Something wrong Nat?" Jamie asked. "It's not like you to be obedient."

"Well I figured i'd give it a shot." I laughed, trying to look like I wasn't a pervert who got hard from being threatened with homework. " After all, you are my BIG BR-"

"How are you already this irritating, this early?" Jameson groaned. "One of these days I'm going to come up with a threat that'll shut you up for good."

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