Chapter 20: Jameson

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"This is disgraceful."

"It's not!"

"This is idiotic!"

I mused from my corner of the room how long this back and forth might continue. Nat had entered this hotel room determined he could make his parents understand. He had been arguing back and forth with his dad for almost an hour.

Nat's mom sat beside her husband, looking absolutely crestfallen. She refused to look in my direction at all. She hadn't spoken a single word.

The only other person in this room was Danny, who stood against the hotel suite's door. He shot me an 'i told you so' kind of look when we arrived but otherwise seemed to tune everything out.

"Have you thought about what this could do to your career? Your future? When did you become the kind of teenage boy that thought with his dick?" His dad questioned. For such a handsome, healthy man he seemed to be on the verge of a heart attack. A vein in his forehead was so prominent I wondered if it would burst. "What are you thinking? Can you imagine what this would do to our family?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Nat argued. "I'm an adult! I can make my own decisions!"

"An adult? No, there are no adults in this situation." His father scoffed, letting his eyes shift to me. "There were supposed to be, but it seems we were all mistaken."

"It's not Jamie's fault." Nat defended me, taking his father's attention back. I didn't deserve him. I never would. Every second this conversation continued that became even more apparent. I had failed him. I had failed his parents. I had failed myself. I don't quite know when I gave into my feelings for Nat, but I never should have. "I love him." I loved him too. I knew I shouldn't. I berated myself constantly for it, but the feeling just wouldn't go away. It was a borderline obsession. Could I live without Nathaniel? I wonder when that became a question.

"You don't know what love is." His father groaned. "You've lived in a bubble your mother and I created! You have no clue what the real world would be like. You think being gay is easy? You think just because you have money and fame that they won't tear you to pieces?"

"I'll survive."

"You don't listen, Nathaniel!" His father was yelling now. "Nothing your mother and I could do could protect you from the fallout this will create! You will lose brand deals! You'll lose opportunities- You could lose everything! And for what? For a man who has no morals! Who would lay his hands on the child we left in his care!"

I should have spoken up. I could attempt to defend myself, but what would be the use? He wasn't saying anything I disagreed with. They had created something beautiful, perfect even, and my fingerprints dirtied it. I ruined it. I ruined HIM. Because Nat was not like all the other objects I collected. He was a person. My mind was a jumbled mess of self inflicted insults. "I'm not a child. I haven't been one for a while." Nat insisted.

"You thinking that just proves my point! Freshly eighteen, but you and Jameson have fucked for how long?" Nat flinched as his father cursed at him.

"We haven't." Nat said honestly. "We haven't done that papa." He looked mortified to say that out loud, especially to his father. His dad seemed to notice too.

"So mature, but you can't even say it?" His father pointed out, pointing his finger in Nat's face. "Is that the face a grown man makes?"

There was a knock at the door, which didn't seem to startle anyone but Nat and I. Nat was still insisting on something or another when whoever was let in the door made their way to where we were sitting. "Finally." Nat's dad sighed.

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