Chapter 10: Jameson

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My head was pounding so hard, I was sure I was going to be sick. When I opened my eyes in search of my trashcan, I heard a stern voice from across the room. "Good morning to you, Mr. Alcoholic. If you need to puke, do it in the restroom while you get ready for school. We leave in twenty."

"Oh god, can't we just miss today?" I groaned, covering my sensitive eyes.

"We already missed yesterday." Nat replied. "Anyway, this should teach you not to go out drinking with certain frizzy haired ex girlfriends."

"You're punishing me then?" I sat up, blinking rapidly to allow my eyes to adjust to the light.

"I think that nasty hangover is punishment enough." Nat giggled before slamming my room door closed. I cursed, clutching my aching skull.


They were at it again, pulling punches in the middle of class. "I don't expect anyone born with such privilege to understand the purpose of a civil suit." Analeigh was saying, Nat ready to jump across his desk at her.

"Didn't your parents own a ski cabin in Aspen?" Nat scoffed. "I guess you must not understand it either."


"And that's the end of this discussion." I slammed my hands against my desk, getting their attention and also causing my head to pound. "Class will be over in a few seconds. Make sure you all work on your contract negotiations and study for the reading quiz for chapter fifteen."

Everyone groaned, but didn't argue which i was profoundly thankful for. I was not up for a debate with Ian on the purpose of homework. In my condition I would probably wind up letting them all out of their homework.

The bell rang, effectively torturing my brain. The students all stood, some rushing to lunch and others taking their time to proceed with their friends. Analeigh was saying something about going out for lunch, but I was shaking my head. All I wanted to do was rest at my desk for an hour.

Analeigh tried to persuade me, but eventually relented and promised to bring me back something that i assumed had once held a lot of meaning, or as much as a food could mean, when we were dating. I just nodded, not really caring that she looked let down.

When the last of the students were trickling out, I rested my head against my desk in an attempt to sleep off a hangover in a cat nap. Not two minutes into my impossible task, someone was clearing their throat to get my attention.

My head snapped up, ready to demand whatever dumb student had decided to bother me leave right this instant, when Nat's delighted smile registered in my brain. "Stop enjoying this." I grumbled, rubbing my temples.

"It's hard not to when you were such an idiot last night." He chuckled. "You deserve what you've got."

"Were you always this mean?"

"I've been nicer." He admitted. "So have you."

"So this is payback for being mean to you?"

"Sort of." He trailed off, his humored smirk morphing into a mischievous grin. "However, you were kind of nice last night too..." He turned his attention to the classroom, that was now empty with both doors closed. "I suppose the kind thing to do would be to help you."

"Help me how?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I read somewhere that a good remedy for a headache is a nice, fulfilling orgasm."

"A what?" I looked around the class, certain there was some lingering student to hear him.

"An orgasm." He chuckled, walking around my desk and coming to stand beside my chair. "That's a nice desk you've got. Very roomy underneath."

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