Chapter 14: Jameson

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"Nat?" I called softly, sitting down on his bed. "What happened Nat?" I tried to pull his blanket off of him, but he held on tightly, curling into a ball under his comforter. "You've missed school for three days. If you're not going to tell me what's wrong then you have to go to school today."

"I did something bad." Nat mumbled, his voice hoarse after having cried for so long. I tried to give him his space, but it was getting difficult to pretend not to notice he was in pain.

"What did you do?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" I asked, unhappy with Nat keeping anything from me.

"You're going to say you're disappointed in me." Nat whimpered. "I don't blame you. I'm disappointed in me too."

"Nat, whatever you did, you can't sit here for the rest of your life crying about it." I sighed, tugging the blanket from his face. He pouted up at me, unhappy at being uncovered. "If you don't want me to be disappointed, prove to me you've learned from whatever you did wrong. Go to school and face whatever it is you have to face. After you do that, no matter what you did, I couldn't possibly hold it against you."

"Thanks Jamie." Nat mumbled. "I'll get dressed."

"Good." I pecked his forehead. "Hurry up. I'm leaving in twenty minutes." He nodded, pulling away from me and rushing to the bathroom.

"Jamie?" He called, just before I could exit his bedroom.

"What is it Nat?" I asked, peeking my head out of his room.

"Today at school... whatever happens... let me handle it."

"What do you mean?"

Nat stood in the doorway of the bathroom, his eyes focused on the tiles. "Nothing... Just... I need you to promise to let me handle it because I can."

"If that's what you want." I answered, suspicion lacing my tone. Nat just smiled and closed the restroom door. I sighed, rubbing my temples. It was my fault for falling in love with a high school boy. He was really going to force me into an early grave.


Something was definitely wrong.

I watched closely as Nat entered my classroom, his head held high, but somehow lower than normal. The first strange occurrence I noticed was when, much to everyone else's shock, Ian stood up and walked across the room. He brushed past Nat and took an empty seat amongst the normal students, who stared at him as if God had come down from heaven and entered their classroom. Nat paused for a second, shocked himself, before going and taking his normal seat beside Mickey.

The second weird event was when I had the class get into their groups for their contact project. Ian, again ignoring Nat, walked over to Mona and asked if it would be okay to switch groups. Mona, almost in disbelief, quickly agreed. Nat remained quiet and the class carried on.

The third and final weird happening was when the bell rang for lunch. Ian was talking to some nameless student, choosing to ignore Nat as he approached him. Nat opened his mouth to speak just as Ian slammed his textbook closed and stood up, asking the boy if he could sit with him for lunch. The boy eagerly agreed, obviously amazed that someone as popular as Ian was giving him the time of day. Ian rushed past Nat, not even sparing him a glance.

Nat stood in place for a few minutes, most likely trying to work through the odd actions of his best friend. Mickey stood a bit behind him, patiently waiting for Nat to come back to reality. "Nathaniel?" I finally spoke up, beginning to grow worried. "Are you alright?"

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