Chapter 16: Jameson

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"Chaperone?" I repeated, unable to stop my face from twisting in distaste.

"Please?" Analeigh begged. "We're short one staff member."

"That makes sense. Who on earth would willingly sign up for a night of stopping horny kids from dry humping and spiking the punch?" I stood up from my desk, attempting to make a quick escape. "You can't pay me enough to deal with Ian Everett outside of this school."

"It's a school dance so, technically-"

"I refuse."

"I was asking out of courtesy, but Stiffritch made it very clear to save you a space as a chaperone."

I sank back into my seat, wondering if it wouldn't have been a better idea for Nat to let the school go broke. "Wonderful , an entire evening trapped in a room reeking of expensive perfumes and hormones."

"It won't be that bad." She assured me, scribbling my name down on the sign in sheet. "Plus, you'll have me to distract you."

"You are easy on the eyes." i appraised her, eyeing the way her seemingly air brushed face tinted red at my compliment. It would be a lie if I were to say I didn't admire the seemingly effortless beauty she had always held. I had never been in love with Analeigh, but I had definitely loved staring at her. "Fine. Now leave me alone before you ask me to do anything else I hate."

"You say that as if it's something I do often."

"Always." I corrected her. "It's something you do always."

"I can't help it if you're a pushover." Analeigh smirked at me. "I'm starting to see why Nathaniel is so attached to you."

"Funny." I fake laughed. The truth was she had no idea.


"What are you doing?" I asked, watching as Nathaniel paced nervously at the foot of my bed.

"Nothing." He mumbled, not even pausing.

"Well, it's making me anxious. If you're going to skulk around like that, do it in your own room." I told him.

"I'm dealing with something jamie!" Nat pouted, pausing his walk. "You can't kick me out when i'm like this."

"I asked you what you were doing and you said nothing." I pointed out.

"But it's obviously something!"

"So then why not say so?"

He groaned, throwing himself back onto my bed. "Do I have to go to the dance tomorrow?"

"Well you have a date so... yes. Yes you do." I sighed.

"Because canceling on a date is bad." Nat added, but it came out as more of a question.

"I'm confused. What's bothering you Nathaniel?"

"I want to back out of the contract."

We both remained silent, letting those words settle in the air around us. To be honest, I didn't know what to say. "Why?" I finally asked, secretly afraid of his answer.

"It's just weird. I like Mona, but I don't want to pretend to be something we're not. I don't like doing the things he likes or going to all these fancy events. I'd rather stay home and just lounge around the house."

"It's a job Nat. You can't just laze about and expect to be payed thousands of dollars." I countered.

"That's the thing. I don't want to do this job anymore."

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