Chapter 18: Jameson

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"What exactly are you accusing me of jameson?" Annaleigh scoffed, marking up my lesson plan with her 'adjustments'. "Didn't we already talk about this?" She didn't even look up from the papers, something that I found very odd.

"Annaleigh!" I slammed my hand on the table. She jumped, dropping my lesson plan.

"God Jamie!" She snapped. "No! No, I didn't send someone to spy on you and your jailbait boyfriend!"

"Keep it down." I snapped and her eyes widened comically wide. I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I will change my tone. Analeigh."

"Yes, Jameson?" She said politely, looking me in the eye. "How can i help you?"

"Did you, maybe, tell anyone about Nat and I?" I asked calmly. I studied her face for any subtle change in expression. She rolled her eyes, seemingly exasperated by my questions.

"I would never do that to you." She finally said softly, her hand reaching out to settle on top of my balled up fist. "I swear, no matter how against this I am, I would never resort to something so conniving. You know how I feel. That's enough. I won't destroy your career. Please know that."

"I know." I sighed, unballing my fist and grabbing her hand gently. "I know." She smiled at me, a wistful kind of half smile, making shame well in my stomach. I wonder how much pain I had caused her. I wonder how hard it must be to smile at me like that. I wonder how things might have turned out if Nat had never moved next door to me.

"What are you thinking right now?" She asked me, snapping me out of my shame. "It's unlike you to be unwitted. I'm sure if you clear your mind and think on it, you'll realize who is doing this."

"You and Mona are the only two who know, Annaleigh-"

"You keep saying that!" She cut me off.

"It's true!"

"No, no Jameson it isn't. One other person knows now. The one who sent you that cute little picture." She insisted. "And who knows who they told."

I lifted my hands to my head, pushing my hair out of my face. "You aren't helping."

"Is that what i'm supposed to be doing?" She laughed. "I believe I tried to help when I told you not to sleep with the kid."

"We were discreet." I insisted.

"No, though, no you weren't." She chuckled. "Unless you count making out behind a curtain surrounded by hundreds of people discreet."

"It was a momentary lapse." i tried to excuse.

"How many momentary lapses were there?" She asked. "Honestly, do you even remember how many times you could have been caught?"

"All of this is very constructive, thank you." i said sarcastically.

"Oh? Oh you want constructive? Alright! Let's be constructive!" She scoffed, lifting one manicured finger. "One, you should have never done this at all. You should have kept your dick in your pants. Two," she held up another finger, "you should have never let yourself get caught up in it. I mean come on jameson! I get it. I hate to admit it, but he's cute. So you mess around a bit, but when did you get this stupid? When did you forget that you have a job on the line? When did you decide you were going all in with a kid thats going to grow up and leave you?" She held up another finger, "And three, I hope you're wise enough to end this now."

"Analeigh, this isn't-"

"It's an obsession, Jameson!" She cut me off. "God, how do you not see how pathological this all is? You have coveted every perfect thing you've ever seen. You've taken it and displayed it like it was some prize. And it was fine I suppose when it was trinkets, but this is a person. You've placed Nathaniel on a pedestal for years, you've made him an object to possess and now you're going to suffer for it. If it's not this guy who caught you in the act today, it will be Nat tomorrow when he throws you away. Think about it. How many people stay with their high school sweetheart? He has so much growing up to do and you've been able to stunt his growth this long, but how much longer till he outgrows the use for you?"

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