"I think we'll leave the discussion of when you've been in Trey's room for later," she raised her brows at her friend. "Trey is a neat freak too. I have a feeling that maybe it's only my family." She looked towards her brothers in amusement.

"Speak for yourself, Tiny." Nathan grouched at her.

"Before an argument starts, you can put your stuff in here and we should see to cleaning." Aurora interrupted.

"Great we have a cleaning slave driver, I never would've guessed." Laura teased, and when everyone but Trey laughed, Aurora noticed how quiet he had seemed.

"You know it! Now downstairs so I can pull out all of my tortuous cleaning stuff," Aurora rubbed her hands together and chuckled darkly. She let the triplets race each other down the stairs and she turned to face Trey. "What's wrong?"

"I feel kind of bad." Trey admitted sounding guilty, as he dared a quick glance into her bedroom.


"You've had us dumped on you and you've barely known us for a few days." He looked her in the eye, and their emerald green beauty shone at her.

"So? You've all been nice and accepting to me. Why wouldn't I offer you to stay?"

"It just feels like we're taking advantage of you." He confessed.

"Once I make you start cleaning you can bet that it'll feel the other way around." She grinned at him.

"That bad, huh?"

"Yep, c'mon." she waved a hand downstairs, and he followed behind her feeling more relaxed.

Aurora laid out all of the cleaning things and gave each person a specific task. They worked together refreshing her home until it gleamed, and her parents arrived home from work.

"I should let you have your friends over more often!" Judy exclaimed, as she entered the house.

"Hey, Mum." Aurora answered, while throwing her dirty cloth in the bin.

"You should probably introduce me." Judy sounded amused, as she looked between the teenagers.

"Thanks for agreeing to have us stay." Trey said politely.

"That's okay, Trey. Your parents weren't exactly enthusiastic, but I assured them that you would be fine." Judy raised her brows.

"Sorry, Mrs Matthews." Laura piped up.

"Oh, hon, call me Judy."

"My parent's reluctance was my brother's fault."

"You must be Laura, Rory's talked about you." Judy smiled at the girl.

"Yes, and these are my brother's, Mick and Nathan, who promise to be on their best behaviour." Laura looked firmly at her brother's aghast faces.

"Tiny!" Mick protested.

"Hello, boys and welcome." Judy smiled at them, before turning to the door where her husband stood with a fierce glare on his face.

"Rory, kitchen now!" Dan didn't even spare a glance to their guests, as he marched determinedly into the kitchen. "Explain to me why there are three boys in my living room." He demanded, turning on his daughter.

"Dad, didn't mum tell you that I was having friends over?" Aurora tried to calm down the situation with the desperate hope that her friends wouldn't hear a word.

"I expected girls!" Dan exclaimed.

"Did you even see Laura? The other two guys are her brothers," she tried to clarify, but her father's face only turned redder. "I'm not Kiri, and you need to stop treating me as if I'm her. These are my friends, who are staying over tonight. Nothing's going to happen, at least along the lines that you're thinking of." Aurora's anger grew at how embarrassed she felt to have this argument.

Summer Love and All its Follies (Now published so sample only)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant