Chapter 4

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- Follow me.

- Where are we going?

- To your new home, at least until the Christmas...

- And why is that?
- You'll get kicked out...
- Why?!

Caiden was really getting on my nerves... If I thought he was acting bad before, now, after he found out about my parents, it looks like he is focused on getting me back home... Why? I have no idea, but if he thinks I'm going to leave without a fight, he is wrong and should better watch out... I've worked too hard to get here, I'm not giving up so easily.

- Because you don't fit in here. Period. Any other questions?

- Yeah, actually, if you're so sure I don't belong here, let's make a bet: if I manage to pass the Christmas evaluation, you will do something I want without any protests.

- And if you lose?

- Well, I will accept the fact that I'm not for this place and leave, plus I will admit you were right... What do you say?

- This is stupid and childish...

- Are you in or not?

- Fine... Let's see what you got, miss Lee.

- Can't wait to show you, ser. Kenney.

- Now that we're done with this, here is your bedroom...

I was initially shocked. The 'bedroom' was a big room with 10 bunk beds, a commune bathroom and no place to change. But above all these, there was something that was bothering me more.

- Why are there only boys in here?

- No more other free beds in the girls section... Sorry...

His eyes were sparkling, something was wrong... How could there be more girls than boys?

- Why do I have the feeling you did this...?

- Me? No... Come on... Get some sleep, tomorrow is your first day, you need to be fresh. Good night, miss Lee.

- Yeah, 'night sergeant...

The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by 19 pairs of curious eyes. Soon enough they cleared the path for me to get to my bed.

I dumped my luggage on it and sighted tiredly.

- Well, hi there, beautiful lady...

Said a voice coming from behind me.

- How do you know I'm beautiful if you haven't seen me yet?

- Nice...sassy

I finally turn around to face three rather handsome boys, that looked like close friends.

- I'm Abi... Nice to meet you...

- Hey, I'm Cody. These two are Ian and Seth.

They were quite remarkable. Cody had blonde hair and greenish eyes. He wasn't very tall, neither muscular, he had an almost fragile body. The next one, Seth, was, I think, the youngest one, his very short dark hair and brown eyes betraying his age. The last one, Ian, was very tall and pretty muscular, but not very talkative.

- So, tell me, why are you in an all boys bedroom?

- Apparently, there isn't any more room in the girls one...

- Oh, so, top or bottom?

- Excuse me?

- The beds... where do you want to sleep: top or bottom?

- Uh... up, I guess...

- Ok, I'm going to be sleeping down... Next to us there are Ian and Seth... I'm guessing you'll want to change, when you do, there is a big closet in the corner, you can use it, no one ever gets in it so you will be safe.

- Thank you, you're a life saver!

- No problem...Did your supervisor tell you the rules and the schedule?

- Nope... Was he supposed to?

- Oh my God... Of course... What kind of jerk is he?!

- One that is standing right behind you, mr. Anderson.

Cody jumped into the salute position and didn't move.

- I'm so sorry, sir. I beg for forgiveness, sir. I didn't mean to insult you, sir.

- At ease!

He basically yelled at poor Cody, turning to face me.

- Nice friend you've chosen, miss Lee.

- ...

- I came to inform you about the information I forgot to mention. 1. Every morning at 4 am you will have to be outside on the main field.
2. The breakfast will be served at 7 am.
3. Be careful at the morning inspections. It might or not be me the one who comes.

I think this is all you have to know for now. Have a good night, boys and Lee.

After he was gone, all the eyes in the room were once again on me.

- You've never told me, Sergeant Kenney was your supervisor!

- It didn't come up... Still, what's the big deal?

- What's the big deal?! What's the big deal?! You mean you don't know who he is?

- No... Should I?

- He was the best in the entire campus and was the pride of MTP. After graduation he was offered a job here and he took it. The big thing is that he NEVER, like NEVER supervised anyone because he is a sergeant and sergeants don't do this because they're important people... Plus you're a girl...

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Nothing... Just... Let's go to bed, shall we?

- Yeah, ok...

The sheets were rough, the loud snores were filling the room, my mind was full of questions and no answers... Help me, God, to get through tomorrow!

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