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Reality was ruining Ricky's life. Every day, for a whole month, he had to face Liam and Harry being too clingy. They would kiss eachother on the cheeck and giggle like girls talking to boys. Ricky still wasn't jealous, at least he thought. Secretly, he cared for Harry, since the beginning. It was just difficult for Ricky, you see. His parents were very strict and they learned him to be cold, to not let hormonal teenagers influence him. But Harry was different, the boy showed that he cared for Ricky even though he's a bitch and the sad part about this is that Ricky knows he's stubborn and a total bitch. It's like, Liam is perfect for Harry, for everyone. He is cute, muscular, sweet, gentle and caring. Ricky isn't caring, nor he's sweet, he's a fail, just like his dad's condom.

He doesn't deserve Harry, Liam does. With a sigh he thought back at all the times Harry was giggling or blushing and smiling with him. Now it's gone, the only social contact he had with somebody his age, is gone. Harry is gone, gone to Liam and Ricky doesn't know what to do. He just thinks he's too late now.


''Liam?'', Harry said. ''Yes, Harry?'' ''D'you think Ricky misses me?'' Brown eyes looked down at Harry, they were cute, but not as beautiful as the blue one's from Ricky. ''He doesn't miss you, at all. Yesterday he said to me that he finally had some rest and hopes you'll stay away from him'', Liam lied softly, Harry didn't know that of course. ''Really?'', Harry asked, sad eyes locking on his feet. ''Yes, baby. But I'm here now'', Liam said, rubbing his back gently. Harry was upset, really upset and yes, Liam questioned himself if he really had to lie, but he was getting jealous over the obsession Harry had with Ricky. Harry was his. ''I'm not giving up, though'', Harry said softly, smiling a bit. ''You're unbelievable, Harry'', Liam said, a bit dissapointed because he thought Harry would stop stalking Ricky. ''I know.''


The next monday morning, Harry spotted Ricky sitting on a bench. He nervously walked towards him.

''Ricky?'', the blue eyed boy heard a familiar voice saying. His eyes widened and he tried walking away, but a hand gripped his bicep. He turned around and stared at beautiful forest, green eyes.

''I told you to not come near me again'', Ricky sighed. ''Yeah, I know'', Harry said, smiling. ''Just leave me alone, kid.'' ''Oh, so now we're back at 'kid'? I thought you knew my name?'', Harry said, eyes locking on the ground. ''Let me go, Harry. You're wasting time of your life with me'', Ricky said. ''I'm not, I promise'', Harry quickly said. ''You don't have to promise something to me.'' Ricky tried walking away again, but Harry gripped him . ''Please, just answer one question'', he said desparately. Ricky nodded, staring at the curly boy who was standing really close to him. ''Did you like the kiss?'', Harry blurted out. Eyes went wide and Ricky tried escaping, but Harry gripped him tightly. ''Anwer me'', he commanded. ''I don't know'', Ricky whispered. ''Did you like it?'', Harry asked again. Ricky sighed and looked at everything but Harry. ''Well?'', Harry pushed, Ricky noticed the boy's eyes were tearing up a tiny bit. "Stop, please, you're ruining me'', Ricky whispered. ''I'm ruining you? No, no, you're ruining me'', Harry shouted, tears escaping his eyes. ''I tried everything, everything, but you're still a dick who doesn't answer me'', he shouted again. ''Fine, I liked it, happy now?'', Ricky shouted back. Harry's mouth closed and his eyes widened, he dropped his arms to his sides and Ricky ran away. Harry was crying, hard, all the emotions he kept inside, escaping. He liked it.


Liam found Harry when he was walking towards the school. The curly lad was still standing on the same spot, where Ricky had left him. They were sitting outside now, eating their lunch. They didn't say anything, except, they decided to sleep tonight at Liam's.

''He liked it'', Harry said after a long silence. Liam looked up with a frown. ''What? Who?'', he asked. ''Ricky, he liked the kiss'', Harry smiled. ''Oh'', Liam said, eyes landing on the ground and Harry's smile fell. ''What's wrong, did I say something?'', Harry asked, worried. ''No.. it's just, you keep talking about Ricky'', Liam sighed. ''But I- I thought friends told eachother these things?'', Harry said, sad because he doesn't want to lose Liam. ''Friends.. that's the problem, Harry'', Liam said, looking at the boy next to him. ''What? I thought we were friends? I'm so sorry'', Harry said, tears welling up. ''No,'' Liam sighed, ''it's not that.'' ''What's it then?'' ''I just.. I want to be more than friends, Harry'', Liam said. Harry's eyes went big. ''What? You- I.. ", he stuttered. Liam nodded. ''But- you know how I feel about Ricky, right?'', Harry asked, not wanting to hurt Liam. ''We can try, Ricky won't give in anyway, Harry, we both know that.'' Harry was lost at words, Liam liked him more than just friends? ''Please, just try it'', Liam said, coming closer to Harry. ''Please'', he whispered. The brown-eyed boy was coming closer and closer and Harry had to remind himself that it wasn't Ricky. ''I will make you happy and make you feel loved, Harry'', he whispered and before Harry could have answered, they were kissing. Liam's lips weren't the same as Ricky's, but they were soft.

When they pulled apart, Liam said: ''Still sleeping over?'' Harry nodded, lost at words. He was in a big mess and it was just starting.


When school was done, they rode to Liam's house and they at pizza. After that, they played Mario Kart and then got to bed. Liam was holding Harry in the bed, cuddling him and just like he said, making Harry feel loved and making him happy. They didn't kiss, but the cuddles were enough for Liam.

No Heart -a Larry Stylinson love story-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora