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That morning, while Harry was putting his clothes on, he heard a quiet ping, meaning he got a text.

'Me and your dad are gone till midnight, we have a meeting with very important people. We're paying a babysitter to watch you tonight. Much love from us x'

What? A babysitter? He's not a baby anymore, for god's sake, he's fifteen.. he can watch himself. Harry sighed, but hoped the babysitter would be a hot guy.


When he walked to school, he kept thinking of Ricky. The boy was so mysterious and Harry wanted to solve all those mysteries. Like, that stone, what was it, did it have some emotional value? And why didn't he tell Harry his name? Why was he so hard to talk to? Maybe he had problems with his parents or someth- The next moment Harry's face was slammed into a warm chest. Harry looked up and blushed when he saw it was a last year. ''I'm so sorry!'', he said, taking a step backwards so he had some space. The older boy (who was really cute) just shrugged and walked away, leaving Harry slapping his head and wondering why he was so damn clumsy.

Boys at the age of twelve or something passed him on the bike, laughing and talking out loud, girls who walked in front of him were giggling and pointing at the screen of their iPhone's, young parents were smiling at their baby and Harry? He was walking on his own, looking at all the people who were having fun. He sighed and kicked some stone that was laying on the ground.

When he looked back up, he saw a boy who was sitting on a bench, alone. He was just staring ahead of him, completely lost in his own world. Harry really wanted to have his own world too, but he likes to share a world and that's very difficult in his no-friends situation. When the boy's eyes met Harry's, he smiled and Harry smiled back. He was really happy, even though it was just a smile. A smile meant a lot to him, it showed that some people were actually nice enough to take three seconds out of their life to greet someone else. Harry watched as the boy sat up and walked towards Harry, who was becoming a little nervous because he didn't make much social contact.

''Hi,'' the boy greeted him, ''I'm Liam.'' ''Hello'', Harry answered, smiling a little. ''And what's your name?'', the boy chuckled. ''Oh.. I'm Harry'', Harry blushed. ''Nice to meet you, Harry.'' The boys shook eachother's hands and they started talking about everything their brain thought of. They even discovered they were in the same school and when Liam asked why he hadn't seen Harry before, Harry answered honestly that he had no friends and he liked to hide himself a bit so people wouldn't laugh at him or pity him. When he asked Liam if he had many friends, the boy said that he had some mates from his class and out of school, but not that much.

Liam was sixteen, so when they arrived at school, they had to take separate ways to their class.


During the day, the boys greeted eachother when passing by in the hallway and Harry hadn't seen Ricky yet. He was kind of worried of him, what if he was sick? He wanted to take care of the boy, but sadly that wasn't the case.

In lunch, Harry and Liam sat together and they told eachother a lot, about family and stuff. He may or not may have said a lot about how he likes Ricky a bit too much.

Harry really considered Liam as his friend and god he was so happy.


It was time to leave the school and Harry rushed to the hall, desparately searching for those blue eyes he hadn't seen the whole day. Right when he thought he wasn't going to see Ricky, he catched a glimpse of the boy walking out of the door, walking outside. Harry sighed and walked through the crowdy hallway, ready to breathe and stood on the spot he and Liam had agreed on to wait for eachother and walk together to their houses. He was so excited about having a friend to share his thoughts with and who would support him no matter what. Maybe he could've followed Ricky and walked with him, but he promised Liam already and it's not that Ricky would care anyway.

A minute later, Liam was walking towards a smiling Harry and they started walking. After a short conversation about some random things, Harry asked nervously: ''Uhm.. so, you know that new guy?'' He meant Ricky of course. ''Oh, yeah, that guy, he's quite hot, innit?'', Liam smiled. ''Yeah, oh yeah he is'', Harry sighed. ''Wait.. you-you're gay? Or bi?'', Harry nervously asked, fidgeting with the fabric of his coat. ''Oh, yeah, I'm bi, I forgot to say you, hope you don't mind.'' Harry shook his head, a bit surprised that the older boy was so open about it. ''No, 'course not, I-I am too'', Harry blushed. Liam just winked at him and of course Harry had to blush even more.


Harry was sitting on his couch, watching television under a soft blanket with his pyjamas on. He was nervously waiting for the babysitter to arrive, so when he heared a small knock on the door, he hastily sat up and opened the door. Green met blue and eyes went big. Harry smiled and just as he went to open the door further to let Ricky in, the boy took his phone out of his pocket and acted like he was being called. Harry knew this trick, so he just leaned against his doorframe, his arms protecting him from the cold, as he watched the older boy. ''Hello? Yes- what? No! Are you serious?'', he fake worried, then he said to Harry: ''My cavia, Jimmy just died, I really have to get home.'' Ricky turned around and started walking off the porch. ''I see, well there's pizza and free wifi'', Harry smirked, knowing that the boy's mind will change. Ricky turned back slowly, looking at Harry. ''Oh, really.. well, uh, my sister can take care of Jimmy'', he said. Harry smugly opened the door a little more and Ricky stepped inside.


After they had eaten the pizza, they settled on the couch and Ricky sneaked a glance at Harry. He looked so soft, brown hairs curling messily, cute blue pyjamas, pink lips and piercing green eyes. When Harry felt Ricky's gaze, he blushed and Ricky looked away quickly, trying to focusing on the TV.

''Aren't you cold, Ricky?'', Harry asked after a while, his voice even deeper than normal, because it was getting late. ''A bit'', the boy admitted, ignoring the fact that Harry said Ricky. Harry smiled and lifted his blanket, creating a spot next to him. Ricky looked at it for a while, before deciding it was too cold to stay on his own spot. He crawled next to Harry and as soon as he was sat, Harry snuggled in Ricky's side, the older boy stiffened and held his breath, eyes wide and not knowing what to do. But when Ricky smelled the scent of Harry's strawberry shampoo and his curls tickled his lips, he relaxed a bit.

After ten minutes, he heard soft snores coming from Harry. The boy was sleeping on his chest and Ricky couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster than normal. He let his mind relax and drifted to a peaceful sleep full of curls and pink lips.

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