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Today is the first day of the new school year, that means that there will come new students, and that means that there will be new hot guys too. Harry smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. Maybe, just maybe he will find love this year. Hey, don't laugh! He's fifteen, yeah. Little did Harry know it'd come so fast.

He picked up his school uniform and got dressed in some weird, baggy trousers with an even weirder blazer. He laughed at the sight in the mirror in front of him, he really looked like a nerd. So he unfastened two buttons from his button-up, so you could see his chest a bit and let his trousers ride lowly around his hips. He ruffled his hair and checked it for the last time in the mirror. His hair was so curly, it wasn't even pretty, Harry thought. He decided to let it grow a bit, so the curls would loosen.

When it was time to leave the house, he put his jacket on and was ready to walk ten minutes to school.

When he finally arrived, he saw everyone chatting with their friends, being happy and stuff. He didn't have any friends, just a few kids he talked to once in a while, Harry didn't even know why, well maybe he did, but he didn't want to think about that. He sighed and sat down on the grass, against a tree. He looked around, the weather was nice, sun shining, birds chirping, people laughing, the first years walking nervously towards the school building. Every inch of the place was scanned by Harry's eyes and when he looked at his lap, he immediately looked back to where an unfamiliar boy was walking.

Harry's eyes looked at the boy's body from his head to toes and back. Harry's mouth was hanging open, pink lips parted. Then, without knowing what he did, Harry whistled loudly. The boy looked up at Harry and Harry's eyes widened. His cheecks became a deep shade of red, but he kept looking at the boy.

He had nice, brown, hair, falling in a fringe on his forehead and thin, pink lips, who were extremely kissable. The morning sunlight left a nice, warm colour on his face and Harry thought he was beautiful. The boy looked back at Harry curiously, but then looked to the ground and he continued walking, making no more eye-contact with anybody. Seconds later he walked towards the school building and disappeared in the crowdy hallway. Harry was staring so hard, that he could see a little shiny thing, falling out of the boy's pocket. He quickly sat up, ran over to where it had fallen and picked it up. He felt like he was the prince that only had this little stone and the mysterious boy was Cinderella.

Still thinking about keeping the little glowing stone, so he had a memory of the boy, or giving it back and being able to talk to him and seeing his face in close-up, he walked over to where he had left his school bag and grabbed it, also walking towards the crowdy hallway. He decided to give the stone back to the boy that he's going to call Ricky.


Harry couldn't wait till it was lunch, because then he'd give the stone back. So when the bell finally rang, he hurried out of the class, without a friend by his side (like always) and walked over to the lunchroom. He felt so lonely, he really wasn't a person that liked to be alone, he wanted hugs and touches, telling him that someone cared about him except his parents.

When he had filled his plate, he sat down and began eating. His eyes were searching for Ricky's and when he finally saw the boy, he sighed dreamily. Gosh, that boy, he thought, eyes never leaving him.

After what seemed like ages, he was chewing on the last bite of his sandwich and stood up from where he sat. He walked over to where the boy sat alone and when he arrived at his table, he picked up the chair awkwardly, it almost fell on the ground, because it was tangled in Ricky his chair and when he finally sat, he coughed awkwardly. The boy let out an annoyed sigh. ''What do you want'', he said. He didn't even ask it, he just commanded it. ''Uhm... I- you lost something'', Harry blushed, not being familiar with talking to someone in school. The boy just looked at him coldly and sighed again. After an awkward silence with him just looking at Harry in pure annoyance and Harry looking at his lap he said: ''Give it then..'' Harry's head snapped up, big green eyes looking at Ricky. ''Oh um..yeah, right.'' Harry awkwardly searched for the little stone in his pocket. His long fingers were so clumsy, it took ages before they were in his pocket.

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