Part 13- Jump Scare

Start from the beginning

"I like the jackass better than the bitch." I join in.

Genos smirked and picked up his phone as Sonic angrily sat on the other side of him. "What kind did you want?"

"It doesn't matter." I tell him while reading the TV guide.

"Well if that's the case then I won't have to text him." he smiles. "So who is Grey, (Y/N-san)?"

I was going to answer but why not leave it a mystery. It's not like it was important for them to know who he was. "Someone."

"Someone?" Genos repeats. "Is he your friend?"

I changed the subject. "Haven't I told you not to add -san at the end of my name?" I turn his head to make him look at me. "You don't have to act overly polite if I'm your friend. We are friends right?"

He nods nervously and his face starts to heat up. I smile and take my hand back and begin searching through the guide again.

Sonic begins to laugh watching what just happened. "Seriously? You can be sweet talked that easily?" he sneers punching his arm. Genos was obviously embarrassed.

"I wasn't sweet talking him. I was just telling him that calling me
-san was unnecessary." I sighed putting down the remote and picking up my phone.


Genos changed the subject. "What do you guys want to do?" he says nervously. I look around the room for something that might find their interest but found nothing but books, and I don't think Sonic and the different Genos would want to read. There was a puzzle in one of the boxes I have failed to unpack. But would they agree to it?


They both give a questioning look. "Puzzle?"

"I have a puzzle put up somewhere. Do you want it?" I point over the one unopened box across the room.

Sonic laughs and me and Genos turn to look at him. "Did you just ask us do we want to play with a puzzle!?" he says in a mockish way.

"It was a suggest-"

The door suddenly swings open and hits the wall knocking down a framed picture that normally turned over. "I'M BAAACK!!! Oops."

The sound of the glass hitting the ground made you bite your tongue causing you to yelp in pain. You stare at the shattered frame with a dark aurora forming behind you. What made you mad was that it was a picture of your mother that made you feel upset when seen, so you kept it turned over to avoid unwanted feelings. You glare at Saitama for his actions and walk over quickly picking up the frame. "Uh, sorry (Y/N)." Saitama apologizes sweating at the darkness following behind you.

I don't reply while picking up the shattered frame and putting it face down on the coffee table before sitting back down. Sonic and Genos talk to each other using eye contact and hand gestures. From the looks of it, I think Sonic said something wrong because Genos aggresivly lunch his arm.

"OW, JACKASS! (Y/N), do you still want to play with the puzzle?" he forces out through his teeth rubbing his arm. Genos smiles innocently while looking through his phone.

"No." I say coldly scrolling through messages.

"Great, the bitch made (Y/N) mad again." Genos groans.

"Stop calling me a bitch! And I didn't even do anything."

"You were being sarcastic. Now she's mad."

Having enough of this stupid conversation of a simple suggestion that not even I wanted to do, I point over to Saitama who was sweeping up the glass. "Cake."

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