Chapter 22

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My mom came into my room with a tray full of food. "Okay so I got chicken soup, the one with the ABC noodles because you told me you liked them. There's Peppermint tea, with a tablespoon of honey. Ricola coughdrops, Gatorade, oh and," She said, unfolding a magazine. "Here's this month's magazine of Vogue! They didn't have the Hockey News for some reason." My mom smiled and set the tray down on my lap alongside the magazine. I smiled back and felt the steam of the chicken soup hit my face.

"Thanks Mom." She smiled and waved her hand.

"No problem! I also called the doctor and he prescribed you some medicine so I'll pick that up later. If theres anything you need just ask!" I nodded and thanked her again, and she left the room. Mom would tell me she would be deathly sick when she was little, so whenever we were, she'd go extra lengths to make us feel better. I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. I flipped through some of the channels until I saw Sherlock. I smiled to myself and set the remote down on the bedside table. I've never been the type to watch the dramatic shows, but I really liked this one. I took a gulp of the tea and felt the hot beverage slid down my sore throat, instantly relieving some of the pain. My phone started vibrating and I picked it up, realizing I got a text from my best friend, Kat.

Hey! How you doing?! I'm visiting and I heard you are sick! I'm coming over with some movies and your favorites! :)

I smiled and happily sighed. I hadn't seen her in forever! I quickly replied back.

Can't wait to see you, we need to catch up..Like seriously. :)

I set my phone back on the bed and resumed watching Sherlock until my eyelids gave out and closed.

* * *

"Heeey!" Kat's voice rang through my bedroom as she opened the door. "How're you feeling?!" She asked, plopping herself down on the edge of my bed. She looked around at my room and gave a nod of approval.

"I'm sick?" I shrugged and Kat laughed, patting my knee.

"Well, I'm going to make you feel better!" She replied, and took out a large blue tote. Kat dumped everything out of the bag. There were DVD's, magazines, candies, and some wrapped gifts.

I groaned. "Don't give me any presents! You coming is enough!" She rolled her eyes and piled the presents next to me.

"Like you saying that is going to make me change my mind? Come on, Just open them!"

I sighed and grabbed the smallest wrapped box. I tore off the paper and it revealed a black box with 'Forever 21' written across it.

"I wonder what this could be," I looked up at Kat before opening it. I took of the top of the gift and there were a pair of Owl earrings.

"Aw," I said, taking them out of the box. "These are so cute. Thank you, Kat." I held out my arms and we had a quick hug.

"Open the next one!" She cheered, pointing towards the larger box.

"Alright, I will." The last two presents were again from Forever 21, and both dresses. After thanking her, Kat decided to put on a movie and of course we ended up not even watching it.

"So tell me," She says, sitting back in my desk chair. "Any news with Jon?" 

I thought back to when I kissed Brent and bit the bottom of my lip. I shook my head no.

"Really? You always seem to bite your lip when you're hiding something. Tell me whats up!" Kat said even more excitedly.

I groaned. Should I? I explained and told her the story of me bringing drunk Zach up to my room and Brent kissing me. She smirked at me after I did.

"You're quite the man's woman, Emma!" Kat laughed and I held my face in my hands. 

"No, it was weird. I didn't even want to kiss him but I did."

"That doesn't make any sense. See, this is why you don't date someone with a hot best friend. Look at the mess you're in!"

I rolled my eyes. What a help, I thought. "Well, what should I do?"

Kat's face turned blank for a minute then she smiled. "You tell him. You tell Jon what you did. You should always have an honest relationship with someone or else it won't be successful."

"Gee, thank you, Dr. Phil."

Now it was her time to roll her eyes. "I am serious! You need to tell him before he finds out on his own."

"I know, I know," I groaned. "I am just scared."

"You want me to tell him?" Kat asked, holding up my cell phone. My eyes widen and I ran over to her and grabbed the phone out of her hand.

"Do not scare me like that! And no, no thank you." I said, unlocking my phone and tapping Jon's contact. A picture of him smiling in bed showed up next to his name. I smiled at it and remembered I took his picture when he was half asleep. My phone dinged while I was holding and it said I received a text from Zach.

Plannin Tazer's b-day, its a surprise. you should come! Ill fly you here!

I  half-smiled and Kat asked why I was smiling. I showed her the text message.

"You should go! It would be perfect time to tell him!"

"At his birthday party? No way." Kat groaned and threw a pillow at me.

"You are despicable! You need to tell him!"

"I am not telling him now! Sometime later. All I know is that I need to start packing." I said, getting up from the bed and going to my closet. Before I could get my luggage out of the closet, Kat pushed me down back on the bed.

"Not until you get better first."

Lucky -Jonathan Toews Fan-fic (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora