Chapter 20

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I grabbed both of Zac's wrists and swerved him over so that he was on my back. Unfortunately, his 6'3 height did not compare to my 5'10 stature, so his feet dragged on the green hotel carpet.

"Emmmmm, wh-what are you doing?" Zac slurred and I ignored his questions and protests about letting him down. No way was I letting him go. Seven beers later, I was surprised he didnt' fall out of his chair. Or trip while he was walking. And of course the boys left me to do it, because they were all suddenly concerned about going to bed early. What a joke.

"Come onnn," He chanted, and I shook my head.

"I will, once I get you to you're hotel room buddy," I cooed, in between my panting breaths. I hadn't even gotten to the elevator and I was almost out of breath. Finally, I spotted one and I hit the elevator button. It dinged shut and I hit the fourth level button. Thank God someone invented an elevator. Or else I would've been screwed taking the stairs. I caught my breath for a while, still grasping Zac's wrists. He was starting to close his eyes. Man, was he going to have a headache tomorrow morning. I felt sorry for him.

The elevator doors opened and I sighed. I steadied myself and trudged down the hallway. He was a room nearby and I already had his card out. I found his door and stuck the card in. The door unlocked and I opened the door. There, laying on the bed watching T.V. was Seabs.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shutting the door with my foot. I walked over to him and laid Zac next to him.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay, and I needed to talk to you about something," Brent said, sitting up and patting the space next to him. I was getting a little confused, but sat down next to him anyway.

"Alright shoot. Is everything alright?" I asked him, getting concerned. Brent nodded, and there was something in his eyes I couldn't really decipher. It was a mix of sadness and nervousness.

"I know, I probably shouldn't say this," He rambled, not making eye contact. "But ever since I saw you, You blew me away. That was two years ago, I could never get you out of my head." My mouth was becoming dry. What was he saying?!

"I love you." Three words out of his mouth I'd never expect. I smiled sympathetically at him, and he grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine. Something out of my body boiled out and soon our lips were moving in sync. He laid down and I was on top of him, he hands moving down my sides. I pulled away quickly, out of breath. We both sat up, panting.

"We shouldn't have done that," I sighed, resting my face in my hands. I heard Brent groan behind me. I felt a heaviness in my heart. I stood up from the bed, and grabbed my bag by the door. I felt a hand on my back and turned around to see his hazel eyes staring into mine.

"I'm sorry," Brent apologized and I looked at the ground and bit my lip.

"It's okay," I mumbled. "I'll see you tomorrow." I closed the door and walked down the hallway with tears stinging my eyes.

What have I done?

* * *

"Hey Mom, I'm home!" I called through our hotel suite, smelling some garlic scent waffling throughout the room. I slid my jacket off and hung it on the rack. I flipped my shoes off, seeing them fly all over the entrance. Woops. I wasn't particularly in the mood of being neat. 

"Hey honey, I'm making some dinner!" She called back, and I smiled. I was so hungry. I walked towards the kitchen and saw Mom's back facing me. I could hear the sizzling of whatever she was making. 

"Set the table, would you?" I nodded and took some paper plates out, since all our good plates were at home. The detectives were still there and had ordered us not to come back. I was kind of mad;It was my home! I set two plates out and two sets of place settings. 

"How was Buffalo? The game should be on now." My mom said, checking her gold watch and looking at me. I swallowed hard remembering last night.  

"It was good," I lied, and my mom nodded. I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote. I turned on the TV and found the game. 

"Here we go," I mumbled. I looked at the score and gawked. Buffalo was up by four! 

"Aw, well you know, everyone has their bad days," Mom said, placing down the chicken on the glass table with a clink.  I sat down on the beige dining room table and licked my lips at the side of the food in front of me. I was really hungry, After saying a blessing, we dug in.

"So, do you have any idea when we can go back?" I asked Mom, scooping up some green beans and slding them on my plate. She shrugged.

"I wish I did. They don't tell me anything about whats going on, so now I'm just relying on News 9," She laughed, and I was concerned. They had my home all over the news? Nothing will ever be the same. I just nodded and stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork and shoved it in my mouth. I kept thinking about last night. I enjoyed the kiss, but I didn't. I was confused. I shouldn't have done it, but there was a voice in my head telling me it was good to.

"Whats on your mind?" My mom asked, setting down her fork and crossing her hands. I shook my head.

"Nothing," I replied, taking one last bite of my food. I wasn't as hungry as I thought, my plate was still full. A heavy load of guilt was washing over me.

"Are you sure? You look pale and you usually finish your food?" 

"Mom, I'm fine," I lied, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I threw away my plate and headed to my room. I needed some time to think. Once I got to my room, I saw the sunset over the New York City skyline in my window. It calmed me a little bit. I pulled on some gray leggings and a long sleep shirt I got from Forever 21. I fell back on the fluffly white bed and looked up at the ceiling. But soon, sleep overcame me.

I jolted up to my phone's ringtone of 'A Little Party Never Killed Nobody'. Fergie's voice was obnoxiously loud at 2;30 in the morning. I didn't bother looking at the Caller I.D. so I hit the green button.

"Yello?" I said into the phone, sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I heard Zac's voice, and it comforted me. Someone I actually wanted to talk to.

"Its 2:30 bro," I said, then realized his real question. "No, I'm not."

"Why'd you kiss Seabsie?" His question shocked me.

"You saw that?"

"Just because I was drunk didn't mean I was incapacitated," He laugjed, and I smiled. "But why?"

"I dont know, It was a reaction. I didn't mean for it to go far."

"The Notebook worthy far?" Zac joked, and I rolled my eyes. We were silent for a minute then I broke it.

"Zac, what do I do?" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I heard him breathe hard through the phone.

"I dont know...Tell him it didn't mean anythin-"

"I dont want to hurt his feelings, Dr. Phil!"

"You should tell Jon though,"

I nearly choked on inhaling. "Are you on crack? I can't do that!"

"Okay, well you kno-Shoot, I gotta go. Someone'es knocking. Figure it out yourself, you always do. Okay gotta go. Bye" Zac hung up on me and I frowned. 

So much for the buddy.



Okay, sorry for the short and slow update..I had such a bad writers block you have no idea.

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