Chapter 18

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"Hey babe," I said to Jon as he entered my car. He had a tired, frustrated look on his face.I patted his back.

"Can I stay in tonight at your place?" Jon asked, looking out the window as I drove out of the parking lot. I couldn't obviously say no. They had a tough loss tonight.

"Of course, I'll get the number for Chinese too." As we drove on for a couple of minutes, Jon started snoring and and leaned his head against the window. I sympathetically smiled to myself, and turned down the radio. I drove into the hotel's parking garage and found a place.

"Jon," I said shaking his shoulders. "We're here." He shot open his eyes and stretched his arms. Then he smiled.

"Had a good nap?" He nodded and we got out of the car.

* * *

I picked up the phone and dialed the number to the Delicious Peking. It was a small Chinese food restaurant across the street with an extremely corny name. Although their food was amazing.

I ordered lo mein and curried chicken. I wasn't that hungry so I just ordered that little.

"Is it just you and me?" Jon asked, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"I think so. My mom went out tonight and probably's gonna stay with one if her friends."

Jon smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and pushed his chest.

"You are so weird." I got off the couch and walked towards the fridge. I opened it up and grabbed a coconut water. That stuff was it. It was heaven. I sipped some of it and felt Jon's arms wrap around my neck.

"When's the food going to get here?" He asked and almost immediatly the door rang.

"Thats it," I smiled, and grabbed two twenties from the change jar on the counter. I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Order #456?"

"Thats me!" I cheered. I grabbed the food out of the delivery man's arms and handed him the money. "Keep the change." I said before closing the door.

"It is here!" I shouted to Jon, who must've disappeared someplace. He walked out of the bathroom and I giggled.

"Here's your food, My majesty." He laughed and dug right in.

* * *

I had a few bites of the food, but mostly Jon ate it.

"So what do you want to do?" Jon asked me, laying down on the couch after he ate.

I shrugged, then suddenly an idea came to me. "Let's play Monoply!"

He laughed. "Okay then." I ran to the closet near the entrance and found some of the board games. My mom and I did arrange them in alphabetical order, but somehow the games were all mixed up. I looked to the bottom of the pile. There between Scrabble and Guess Who, was Monoply.

"There we go," I whispered while pulling the game out. There was some dust on it, and the cardboard sides were ripping. I stood up from my kneeling position, and walked over to the kitchen table. I set down the game and sat in the chair. After setting up the board and cards, Jon came over.

"You ready?"

"Are you ready to get your butt kicked?" I smirked and he crossed his arms in his chair.

"Touche. Lets roll this dice!"

|A few cups of coffee and Monoply rounds later|

I yawned and rolled the dice. "Can this be the last round?"

Jon nodded and wiped his eyes. "We can just go to bed now, if you want,"

I smiled weakly, "That'd be good." I got up from my chair and lay on the couch. Soon Jon joined me and sat beside me. One of his strong arms wrapped around me and I closed my eyes.

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