Sunday Morning

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"Sunday morning rain is falling"

My iPod was playing that song which was actually relevant, it was Sunday and it was raining out.

I was in my room, home from college. I was just on my computer and skyping with Tay and JC, as always.

They were coming the next day for a visit. Everyone over here loved JC, he was like my older brother or older cousin...... Oh yeah, Kylie is also coming to see us, for the first time.


*ding dong*

I ran down and I was expecting them.

"You must be Veronica?" Kylie smiled. She was so pretty! Taylor and her were like perfect together. So she was exactly like Miranda Kerr, she was going to be a nutritionist. I also heard she was a model so umm, yeah... Sounds alot like, MIRANDA KERR.... Lol so she was like 5'8 and Taylor was 5'9 It was like perf!

"Oh my gosh, Kylie! You're even more prettier in person!" I smirked at her, Im such a creepy person.

She got introduced to everyone and I'm not even kidding she was so pretty!


"Damn Tay!" I nudged him as he we walked the guests stuff up.

"I knew you'd like her," Taylor chuckled while we put their stuff down.

I was like oh daaym, Vanessa was even amazed.

>>>>>Vanessa's POV <<<<<<<

Oh stuff got real! Kylie is the most perf.

"Hey I'm Vanessa!" I stuck my hand out to shake hers.

"I'm Kylie!" She smiled and took my hand.

"So are you a model or something like that?"

"I was one actually in early elementary school and tried it out in highschool again then I stopped and now I'm getting back into it."

"That's cool, you're so pretty!" I just had to tell her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcs. What's your nationality? It's a good mix!" I joked.

"I'm actually from the UK then I moved to San francisco when I was in 6th grade, and my mom is from Guam."

"Cool, ha. I kind of hear your accent!" I cheesed and we talked for a while.

Kylie was nice, she was so pretty and you know what they say. Lol just kidding, what do they say?!

Text from: cody

Im going to urth, you want to come?

To cody:

yeah, I'm down.

I got ready and cody called me. I took him inside the house first and it was a full house, missing kian and his fam...-- It was sort of missing something though. It was missing my other brother, Austin. Veronica broke it Austin, it made me sad when she told me what happened...... It feels so empty when Austin isn't here, I'll never get used to this...


2 years later.

Me and cody did long distance while he was on tour. I visited him a lot since I was home schooled.... So I'm actually done with school, I finished my senior year of schooling in June.

"I'm going to the studio with ky!" I ran out the door and got into the car with Kylie.

"Hey kiddo, you've gone here before right?" Kylie asked me.

"Yeah, I went here a few times before." I smiled at her.

I joined the modeling industry, Kylie helped me. I did actually grow after I had my period, so that fact that you stop growing is false.... Anyways I'm 5'7.5 I got tall now that I think of it.

"So about college, do you know where and what you're planning to do?" Kylie looked over at me on the red light.

"I actually am thinking of being like you, I mean a nutritionist sounds like a good job to stay healthy and fit!"

"Oh, that's nice! I think you'd be good at it," Kylie smiled and stepped on the gas to go.

We took a while to get the I turned the radio on.

The radio announcer: 'New hit single from my boy Austin mahone's debut album... Loving you is easy!'

My eyes widened and I remembered. I turned the thing and I was basically blasting it. The song was actually good........ -- we finally got to the studio and all thought was like,

Did Veronica hear his new song?

Has she talked to Austin?


I got in the studio and the people were extremely nice as always. I'm shooting for someone's line, I forgot who but someone.

---------Veronica's POV-------

My life out of the town I grew up in was swell, but I haven't figured out what I was missing. I thought and thought, I was missing my past. The past is what got me here and I just don't know what happened.------

I turned the shower off and wrapped my towel around me.... I stepped into my room to find out.............


Oh cliff hanger! Thank you guys for reading this far AGAIN. I just started school and its been a little hard to write for a while.

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