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"KRISTEN!!! KIAN!!" I yelled running to the door.

It's been awhile, like since may I haven't seen them and its October. They were so busy and I didn't want to bother them at their house.

"Hey sister," kian smiled when I opened the door.

I just dove in a hug.

"I missed you guys so much," I also hugged Kristen but I didn't want to squish her tummy so I eased.

"I missed you too!"

Then the whole family came to see the visitors, still no Taylor..... -- I went back upstairs because I felt the need to call Taylor up on FT.

"Are you bust right now?" I asked Tay when he answered.

"Not right now, Im just working on a little something."

"What is it?"

"There's this girl, okay!"

"Ouu. Taylor has a lady friend!" I joked.

Then I heard someone else in the room.

"Oh, let me introduce you to someone." He left the camera sitting there alone and then a guy came.

"Hey," he awkwardly waved.

"Hey!" I just smiled.

"This is my roommate JC Deleon, the guy I was telling you about!" Taylor told me about this JC guy. He was like telling me he was only 18 and single. But I already had Austin so bye, JC.

"Yeah cool, Im still with Austin so..." I looked away and laughed.

"Yeah I know, I'm not trying to get into a relationship so I don't know what your brother is trying to set up here." JC chuckled.

"Dammit! You guys are annoying!"

"You're the one!" I yelled at him through the camera.

We talked and I watched him make like this thing for his 'lady friend' for a long 2 hours. Then I went back down to see kian and kris again.

Right when I got down though, Austin texted me.

Austin: hey can I come over?

Me: yeah. My oldest bro is here, kian.

Austin: the one I didn't meet yet. Ok

Me: k ill see you here.

I told everyone he was coming and we waited around and talked about Kristen's baby.

"Five months now, right kris?" My mom asked.

"Yes, the doctors are 64% sure it's going to be a boy."

"What's his name going to be?" My dad asked.

"Kevin Peter, for you dad." Kian smirked.

"Oh boy, I can't wait!" He said back having a happy grin on.

My dad could be either 100% serious or 100% sarcastic but you don't know because he is always so mysterious looking.

Meanwhile I just sat in the living room so I don't be 'rude' to the visitors. My mom always says keep visitors company or that means you're being rude.-----


I got up and answered the door.

"Hi boyfriend!" Kian mocked me.

"He's not my boyfriend," I glared at kian.

"Why you gotta be so defensive?!" Kian laughed.

"........Austin, this is my rude ugly brother, kian!" I introduced him.

"Ha. Nice to meet you kian."

"You too, good luck with Ronnie." He chuckled and winked at Austin.

"Shut up, leave me alone." I put my hand in his face and walked away.

"You are so mean!" Kian smiled.


I took Austin upstairs and ignored everyone's comments when I walked up. They were making kissy noises and it was to the point where I was sick if them making fun of me.

"Come on Ronnie, don't get mad!" Austin said.

"It's so annoying though!"

"Just try getting over it. It's okay if you don't but try!"

"It's hard. I'm like a 6 year old, I remember why kian doesn't visit a lot now. It's because he goes way over the line with everything!"

"What do you mean, he does to much?"

"Yeah! There's this crazy that happened that made Kian leave. So like he was in an argument with my dad and like they were yelling back and fourth. Finally my dad fainted from like I don't know what then Kian just left him and I had to call 911. Kian finally visited again and had a talk with my dad so they're good now."

"Wow that is a lot to take in. Ok I see why you have a love and hate relationship like literally HATE!" Austin took a deep breath, it seemed like he was kind of scared of kian now.

"Are you scared of kian now?"

"Nah, he doesn't seem like that type of guy."

"He cleans up nice but has this ghetto personality and its annoying, don't fall for it!"

"We're fine as long as he doesn't hurt me," Austin laughed.

Austin calmed me down, he was such a great guy. I don't know if he liked me, I think he just wanted me as a friend or something. If he doesn't make the first move then I guess I got to. But remember I can't have a boyfriend unless I could handle it.

~~Austin's POV~~

Basically kian is this buff guy. He was like a Bruno mars except there was something that made him really different. I wasn't that scared of him but after what Ronnie told me , It's whatever.

So let me tell you ever since school started, there was this thing. Me and Ronnie, it was like we connected. We've talked and everything, but I don't know. It's mixed feelings; I want her, but our friendship. She's fun but she's too busy with things. She's perfect but I'm, not perfect.

"So, Alex is going to be in a new show." I told Ronni.

"Cool, what show?"

"The franks."

"Oh I saw the commercial for that! That's cool."

"Kian's an actor too right?" Austin asked.

"Um yeah, he's working on something, It's a new show. He didn't tell anyone though."

"Oh, I see." I nodded and continued to look through my Instagram feed.

I think it's pretty cool that kian is also an actor like Alex. Every so often Veronica and I get stopped so that people could take a picture with us. Alex is pretty YouTube famous and Kian is a famous actor, it doesn't seem like it but he is famous. I know you're probably like how could their friends and siblings live a normal life; well they're famous not their siblings/friends duh!!


Oh!!! Heat with kian is rising. Kian is a bad boy ;p

How do you guys like the story so far?! I'm still trying to figure out which chapter I should make the long one... Any who Comment; I need feedback!!! Also share this with other mahomies or Austin Mahone fans!!

Thanks for reading again </3







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