Crazy day

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"Ronnie!" My brother, Taylor, shook me.

"Whaa?" I rolled away and looked at him.

"We're going to aunty Mabel's house! Mom and dad said to get ready before 11." Travis said.

"K, it's only nine. Leave me alone!" I threw a pillow at him and put my head down again.

It's two of my cousins birthday today. I still can't believe I met some dude last night and hit it off, it's like I was drunk.-- I finally got up and. took a shower and put presentable clothes on.

"Let's go now!" My mom yelled from the garage.

I put on my headband and got my bag off the hook then ran downstairs and into the car. Taylor was just one year older than me and he just graduated this year. Then my oldest brother who is 25, kian, is a new actor. Lastly my little sister, Vanessa, she's only 14 and I guess she's regular.--- We pulled in the driveway at my aunties house and I got the presents and made Tay hold the food. Oh right, it was my twin cousins birthday.

"Hi aunty!" I hugged her and walked to the other room.

"Hey Ronnie," the twins waved while I walked in.

"Hey guys, where do you want this?" I asked, holding up the gifts.

"Um, on that table is fine!" They Pointed.

I walked toward them. their names are Leo and Vincent. They're about nessa's age I think.

"Yore turning fifteen today right?"

"Yes," Leo answered. They were watching a movie while waiting for everyone to arrive. Of course I had to be the first one.

*phone vibrated*

from: Austin m.

Austin: hey (:

Me: hey you!

I was kinda happy I was saved from the boredom.

Austin: what're you up rn?

Me: I'm at my cousins birthday party. Hbu?

Austin: Im just chilling with the guys. I was going to invite you and rach but now I know you're busy.

Me: aww. I could probably leave with her when a lot of people start to come here. There's only a bunch if little kids.

Austin: cool. I hope you could come ;)

Me: I hope so too!

Austin: So what else about you Do I not know?

Me: what do you want to know? Ask me anything!

Austin: What school do you go to?

Me: Landon. And you?

Austin: no way! I'm going there this fall, I just moved from San Antonio!

Me: can't wait to see you there ;) So how was San Antonio?

Austin: it was actually pretty nice there! I moved to California because I wanted to be with my friends.

Me: Oh I see. You're going to be a senior right?

Austin: yes.

We kept texting until Rachel came.

"Hey rach!" I called her to the backyard tables.

"Hey, so about last night.. What happen with you?"

"Nothing that special. Except Austin was like cuddling with me because it was cold," I blushed.

"Ouu girl! Get it! so....Robert is so cute, he brought me around the park and at one point we kissed at the top of a ride, it just happened. I don't even know!"

Summer Love {AUSTIN MAHONE FANFIC}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon