The cousins

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Uncle Jon Jon is coming. He was one of those 'uncle' who were our really young grandpas like literally he was only 47. So I call him uncle. We haven't seen him since July and its December now. He usually brings his sons, they are around my age so they're cool to talk to. There is Tristan, Tyler, and Jett. They're staying over for the whole winter break and my cousins from Washington are going to stay here for the first week at my other cousins house.

"Get the door, it's probably you're uncle Jon!" My dad yelled. I ran to it and swung it open.

"Heyy!" Tyler smiled then hugged me right away.

"Oh my gosh Tyler! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!"

The other guys came in and we all said hey. I showed them to the guest room and they chose to slept upstairs with all the kids in the playroom. So today I took everyone to the fair; I met up with Austin and some other friends.

"Guys this is Austin, Austin these are my cousins. Jett, Ty and Tristan!" I introduced them.

They did the bro shake and we all set out to walk around. Vanessa went with Tristan, the youngest, and her friends to some rides. I was with; jett&ty, Austin, Zach, Jessa&kenny, Robert, Rachel, and marcel. We went to the food trucks and got hella food. What can I say, we're typical teens.

"Where do you guys want to go after this?" I asked all of them.

"I'm going to Jessa and Kenny's house," Zach told us.

"Robert and I are going to the movies. And marcel is third wheeling!" Rachel said.

"I guess I'll take you guys somewhere after then...." I told Austin, Ty, and Jett.

We all agreed then...... Wait where was Alex?

"Alex is in texas visiting his girlfriend!" Someone said, mind reader.

We ate up our funnel cakes then walked around some more. Jett and Ty were checking some girls out they've never seen SoCal girls in a long time because they lived really up In NorCal.--- The fair wasn't even all that! It was the same thing from last year. Bleh.

"We're going to LA!" I told they guys. Vanessa and tris came along too. I took my dads escalade and we took off.

Austin and I were in the front together. I took his hand, it was like we were a legit couple!

>>>>Vanessa's POV<<<<

I love my older sisters relationship with Austin. I hope they stay together.

I look up to veronica. She is my role model, I praise how beautiful she is even without makeup. I want to be just like her especially because she is mature and all that.

"Ron, guess what! Me and Trevor don't talk anymore!" I said randomly to get rid of the quiet.

"Really? Why not?"

"So that day of my birthday when cody sang to me, he's been avoiding me and whenever I text him he says he needs to go or he doesn't reply!" I smirked because Trevor ain't even worthy anymore.

"Wow," Ronnie laughed.

The way she holds Austin's hand is unforgettable, I would date their relationship.--- We're here in LA and we're just walking around, I guess you can say I have a good life.

"Me and tris are going to the fountain and the mall center Zach took us to!" I yelled to Veronica.

You know that cousin you always hangout with, Like your other half? Well Tristan is my other half, he's my favorite cousin, we basically text each other about everything most of the time.

"So about your birthday, you said you were going to tell me when I see you again!" Tristan nudged me while we walked In some stores.

"Oh yeah! So cody was Invited. My sister, Austin, Alex, my parents, basically all of them kept trying to contact him, scooter Braun, alli, and his crew, and everyone else to see if cody could perform at my party. Right!!" I started talking.

He told me to go on.

"So then he like seduced me and kissed my cheek and oh my gosh tris, i wish you were there! Any who,, he had to leave and I went to my friends to see one of the Laying on ground because she was fangirling over cody.... When I helped her up she starts hyperventilating then someone touched me. Guess who it was!!!!....---Cody's sister, alli! Then she gave me a box from cody!" I paused again to wait until Tristan was processing the story.

"Continue!" He said.

"Then When I got home I opened the box. First was a Polaroid picture signed by cody, then under that was a note, he said I was a special fan and he wanted to meet up again and he gave me his digits then like before all of this happened I cleaned the stage from the party and he dropped his necklace for an excuse to meet up!" I told him. I waited once more to tell him the rest.

I proceeded, "then I remembered there was one more thing in the box! So I dove,literally I dived off my bed and to the box. I picked up two slips and guess what!! It was two tickets to Justin fuckin bieber!" I basically fangirled with him in the middle of forever 21.

"Girl! You are a lucky bitch, you know that!" Tristan smiled.

"So what should I wear when I meet cody again?"

"You gotsta look nice!" Tris pointed to a shirt and like picked up a whole outfit.

We looked around more, then I payed for our stuff. We walked in a couple of more stores and I got some presents for people, especially; Ronnie, Austin, kian and Alex! They're the ones who made it happen.

A shirt and beanie for Alex.

A hat and shirt for Austin.

New shoes and bag for Ronnie.

Cologne for kian because he's a grown man.

I went to other stores for my other friends, a lot of things were on sale so i just grabbed what lever looked good. I still had $400 of birthday money. Yay!

>>>>Veronica's POV<<<<

Vanessa is such a young person, she is beautiful and mature. Since Trevor don't want none of that, it's his lost. She's my little sister and my little sister better get someone who deserves her! Not Trevor. I thought in the beginning they were cute but not anymore.

"Me and tris are going to the fountain and the mall center Zach took us to!" Vanessa yelled dragging tris along with her, they're like the best pair of cousins.

All the other guys came with me. They guys bonded with each other, Austin got along very well with my cousins/uncles!

"I love you Veronica," Austin smiled down at me when we were in a store.

"I love you too Austy!" I hugged his thin torso tight.

I was Christmas shopping aside from the shopping I did with my mom earlier this month. It's always fun going with Jett and Ty because they buy me whatever and spoil me. They are single with jobs and 19 year olds which make them like rich.

"Jett! Can we get Starbucks!" I smirked at him, I'm such an ass kisser. Well it's Jett's fault for saying he likes buying me things!

"Yeah, lets go!" We walked out the store.

Austin and Ty stayed in because it was like a cool store.

~~~~~Austin's POV~~~~~

Veronica left for Starbucks! I'm about to get her something.

"Ty! Do you think Ronnie would want this?" We left to Another store.

"Yeah, bro!"

I got her a little something she's been asking for since forever, hopefully no one else gets it for her!

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