Just another summer day

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So today we just shipped Tay off to the airport to go to his new college, Oregon State. I'll miss that butthole and I found out that kian's fiancée is pregnant...... And this was only the morning!

"Hey kian!" I called him up.

"Hey kiddo!"

"Taylor just got on his flight, I Miss him already!"

"He probably misses you also. He'll be back on break in no time, watch!" Kian assured.

"I hope so, so how many months is Kristen?"

"Two months."

"Are you excited to be a daddy?" I asked him.

"Yes! There's a lot of responsibilities and things you need to do though." Kian reminded me. I stayed on the phone with him for a hour, I missed kian a lot. I know I could drive to his house but he's to busy with things like work and stuff.---

Today was a regular day in SoCal it was hot too. My friends; Diane, Jessa, and Kendall were still out of town for their gymnastics camp and vacations. So my day basically includes Rachel picking me up and driving around town or sometimes I go on walks with Austin. My family has grown to love Austin, he was a gentleman and always watched out for Vanessa and I.

I am still deep in love with Austin, he's my prince.... YES!! He really just is. I would never give something up like Austin, he's something real special.


"Good afternoon Mr. Marx, can Veronica come out with me?" I heard from my room.

My dad mumbled something and then I heard the door shut. There was a silence so I decided to go check what was up.-- I walked out my room and down the stairs, then right when I looked to my left....

"BOO!" Austin yelled.

"Holy s---crap! Austin!" I shoved him into the wall.

Then my dad comes out with his video camera and he was Recording me the whole time, what the heck!

"DAD! Can you not," I ran back up.

Then Austin chased after me. I was so slow, so I barely got in my room before Austin did.... But he stopped the door.

"Come on Ronnie!" He used all his strength to open my door.

I let go and he fell back, it was hilarious!

"Karma!" I said with a kissy face.

Then I helped him up. I assumed my dad let him come in my room, so yeah.

"What's up?" I nodded.

"You want to go out somewhere, like anywhere?" Austin asked me.

"Sure, let me just get ready," I shooed him out of my room and I guess he went to Vanessa.

~~Austin's POV~~

"Hey Vanessa!" I knocked on her door.

"Hey," she said continuing looking at her phone.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I'm on twitter."

"What's your username, I'll follow you!"

"VanessssaMix," she looked up.

"I gotchu!! So I see you're pretty popular! 1,259 followers!" I laughed.

"Says the boy with more followers than me!"

"Hey it's not my fault all the ladies love this," I rolled my body.

Summer Love {AUSTIN MAHONE FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now