Chapter Ninety-Four

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I'm not sure what to say and we sit there in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you want to go see your family? I know Katniss wouldn't mind if we stopped."

She shakes her head, "They'd be upset I didn't bring Carter and Carson and I don't want my dad to know I came. He hated Brandon."

"Well, I'm sure he would understand. If you want to go see them we can."

"No thank you, Peeta. I'm just ready to get home and see Katniss and the girls."

I smile sadly, "Okay."

With that we start making the four hour journey home.

"Peeta, is it bad that I still love him?" Bristol asks me after awhile.

I shake my head, "No, it's not bad."

"Then why do I feel so bad about it? I have a different husband and I haven't been around Brandon in years."

"Because you were best friends at one time and I know you really loved him." I say truthfully.

"But I hate him too."

"I know."

"What would you do?"

"What do you mean what would I do?" I ask her.

She sighs, "Pretend that you and Katniss were like Brandon and I were. She changed and you guys had a baby and broke up? You moved on and had another kid with someone else you love? And then she died?"

I take a deep breath. I've never thought about putting myself in her shoes exactly. Like I've always known how lucky I was to find Katniss but I just realized I'm so so damn lucky to have her and for us to have a relationship that isn't horrible.

"I would devastated. I would be devastated for our kid and for her family no matter how long it would have been that I saw her. And I would be really upset because of what we had at one time. It will never really go away even if we didn't love each other that much anymore, I know my heart would never let it go. It's no different for you." I tell her.

She sighs, "I'm glad someone understands."

"Katniss does. She explained it to me the other day." I say truthfully.

Bristol nods, "You both seem to understand a lot of things."

"We've been through a lot."

"I know you have and despite it all you're both still so in love with each other and have a beautiful growing family. It makes me kind of jealous sometimes." She tells me, wiping away tears.

"Why are you jealous? You're apart of our family."

"Because I want to have what you guys have."

"You have two beautiful kids and a husband that loves you." I say, even though I'm not so sure on the last part.

I mean I am sure he loves her but he's not around much and favors his own kid over another man's.

"I love Blake but we both know he's never around and I'm not so sure he doesn't cheat on me while he's at work."

I am shocked.

I had never thought about that and for her to bring it up kind of makes me wonder if she's had her suspicions.

"You really think that?" I ask her.

She nods.

I frown, "I didn't know that. I'm sorry."

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu