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I wince at every step I take from the pain in my knee. I really do think I broke something in there. It's like I can feel things moving inside.

I keep running though. I need to find Phil before he does something stupid. Like what the guy said last to him. I feel tears running down my cheeks and dig my nails into my palms. Right here and right now is not the place to lose control.

I turn the corner to where the dorms are and get some weird looks while I'm at it. I stop for a second, bent over out of breath. I'm definitely not fit.

I take a second before running off again to our place. I know he has to be there because we're the only one that knows about our place.

We go there almost everyday. Just to get away and to be ourselves. No one has ever found us. We enjoy the space. The alone time. just to be able to cuddle and kiss and say whatever we want without any worries.

*flashback* *doctor who theme song while we get there* oooo weeee oooo okay back to the story fuck I'm procrastinating xD

"Dan? Where are we going?" Phil laughs as I pull him along through the woods outside the campus.

"We're going on an adventure!" I cry out just like Bilbo Baggins did while he laughs.

"But what if we get lost and our phones die or something and we perish out here?" he asks sounding slightly scared. I stop walking and turn, grabbing both his hands and entwining our fingers.

"Then it's eat or be eaten," I say smiling and he looks up at me frightened while I laugh. "Don't worry, Phil, we'll be fine,"

"How can you be so sure?" he asks and I lean in, kissing him softly and pulling him closer so our torsos are touching.

"Because I know everything," I say smiling just centimeters away from his lips and he giggles pecking my lips once more.

"That's not a very good answer," he breaths out on my mouth making me shudder slightly, a smile forming on my lips once more.

"Let's go goof ball," I say and turn, dragging him down the path in the woods. We keep running until we come across a small clearing.

"Woah," Phil says under his breath. After the small clearing is a cliff. More of a drop off, and there's a gorgeous view of London underneath it.

"It's beautiful," I say and we walk out to the edge looking down. "And it's high," I say again and take a step back feeling a little nervous. Phil laughs and steps back too.

"Aw are you afraid of heights?" he asks with his tongue escaping the side of his mouth from the previous giggle.

"No," I retort and look off the edge. "I'm afraid of falling off heights." Phil takes a step closer and slips his hands around my waist, putting his hands in my back pockets.

"I won't let you fall," he whispers and I place my hands inside his pockets as well. He sets his forehead on mine. We stand there awhile, just taking in each other's presence.

"I love you Phil," I whisper and he leans in, kissing me softly. I brush my tongue against his top lip and he parts his lips allowing me an entrance. I internally smile as we kiss with passion. He pulls me closer and I do the same, giving his ass a light squeeze. He breaks off quickly.

"Daniel!" he says feeling a bit surprised and I laugh.

"What? What did I do?" I ask innocently and squeeze his ass again making him let out a cross between a moan and a yelp.

Why not you? (Phanfiction) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now