sept ~ this is why I love him

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We both laugh at the randomest of things. I don't think I've ever felt happier in my entire life. Phil is so sweet, and he's really funny.

"What's a glabella?" he asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

"Let's find out what a glabella is," I say chuckling and we take out my computer to search the word glabella.

The most amount of butterflies I've ever felt in my life have erupted while making this video. Just from hearing his laugh, hearing the most perfect man in this world alone say my name. I've never had a bigger crush on one person in my entire life.

Yeah, I did already have a crush on him, but he was my internet idol. That one boy that you want to meet and just say something to you. He was the one that gave me a rush every time he acknowledged my existence.

He was the one I wanted to be like when I was older. The one I looked up to every time I felt down. The one who would never notice me at all. My celebrity.

But, now that he's actually in the same room with me. He talks to me everyday. He's asked for my phone number. I've always wondered if I ever met him, would I actually like him as much as I liked him as a celebrity.

And I do.

I can't not like him. I really can't. Any normal guy my age would ignore me as his roommate. He would probably call me a freak for my disorder, and abuse me for being gay. But Phil didn't. He accepted me, and he helps me with my freak attacks.

This is why I love him.

"What was your first word?" I ask him.

"Light!" he says goofily and I laugh at him. He smiles with his tongue sticking out. "I think we should probably finish the video now," he says.

"Aww, but it's so much fun!" I say pouting and he laughs.

"I know, but it can't last forever!" he says and I nod.

"I have something to say though," I say. "This was the most fun, I've ever ha- OH!" I'm cut off when Phil turns around and tackles me to the floor. My arm goes slightly around his waist but I stop myself realizing that I probably shouldn't do that. I laugh loudly and he laughs too, leaning back slightly so he's laying on top of me, centimeters away from my face.

"You know, you're eyes are slightly gorgeous," he says and I blush extremely and I can't help it. My arm rests on his waist, slightly holding him there.

"Slightly?" I ask and he laughs.

"No, they're definitely gorgeous," he says and I grin cheekily and look down.

"Ditto," I say and he smiles, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth. Holy panda milk he looks like he's leaning in. But, I don't know for sure. I really don't want to make a fool out of myself. If I kiss him, and he doesn't want it, there goes my chances of friendship with my internet idol. "We should end the video, yeah?" I ask and his eyes look slightly hurt.

"Oh, um right, yeah, definitely." he says and climbs off me slowly. What if he actually wanted to kiss me? "How should we end it?"

"Hand hearts?" I ask and he smiles and nods.

We end the video, and he lays on his bed editing it while I basically just stare at him. I like how he lets me just look at him like this and not get weirded out or get full of himself.

"Annnd, upload!" he says and clicks the trackpad dramatically.

"It's done?" I ask hopefully and he nods at me smiling. "Can I see it?" I ask and nods, gesturing me to lay by him. He shows me the video and we both laugh it and make random gestures about it.

"Oh! It's uploaded!" he says eagerly and clicks on the video that's all ready up.

"300+ views already?!" I ask with my mouth wide open. He giggles and nods.

"Yeah, for some reason a lot of people like my videos," he says.

"For some reason?" I ask him and he sighs. "Phil you need to stop doubting yourself, I'm being serious. You're perfect, you're hilarious, and you're beautiful," the last word comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. "I mean, uh, uhhh, uh," I says stuttering and he smiles.

"You know, sometimes I like your disorder," he says giggling. "You know, when you're happy, and say things you don't mean."

"Phil, I hope you know that this disorder doesn't make me say things I don't mean." I say and he looks up at me confused. "It makes me say things I normally wouldn't say in order to not look like an idiot. Everything that comes out of my mouth is something I actually feel and think." he bites his lip and smiles at me.

"Really?" he asks hopefully and I smile and nod, feeling my self heat up in the cheeks. "You're beautiful too, Dan," he says and I squeal slightly.

"Sorry, my inner fanman just sort of came out," I say and he laughs. "What are people commenting?" he shrugs and scrolls down to the comments.

'Who's that sexy hunk of man meat?' 'Phil? is that your boyfriend?' 'Aw you two would make a cute couple!' 'How old it your friend? he's hot :o' 'I ship them together!' 'What's that boy's name?' read most of the comments and I try not to smile at the people saying we would make a cute couple.

"I think they like you," he says quietly and I smile.

"That's a relief," I say and he laughs.

so this is the first chapter that I had to write that wasn't a part of my pre writing from like four months ago, so that means mosT LIKELY LONGER CHAPTERS WOO

*snaps fingers like a gay man* this gurl iz out! peace :*

Why not you? (Phanfiction) (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora