onze ~ happy pancake

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"It was nice to meet you too," Phil says to two more fans at one of his meet ups. I kept my word and have been going to all of them to make sure that no one is a dick to my boyfriend. The next people whisper something in his ear and seem to be eyeing me.

We're in a park that's near the university and I was sitting at a picnic table behind him sort of looking like a body guard. Phil smiles at the girls and nods to them, when they squeal. He looks back at me smiling and walks over.

"What's up, baby?" I ask him quietly so only he can hear it.

"They want a picture with you too," he whispered to me, smiling brightly looking kind of proud of himself. I look over his shoulder at the girls who squeal when I look at them.

"R-really?" I ask feeling quite nervous but happy that some girls actually want to meet me. Phil nods and grabs my wrist, pulling me off the table and pulled me over to the girls.

"Here he is," Phil says letting go of my wrist. I grin like an idiot and wave at them event though they're right in front of me.

"Dan, will you sign this?" one of them ask and I look at Phil almost for permission. He nods at me to go ahead and I smile, taking her book and signing my name in it. I admire it for a split second realizing I actually just signed an autograph, and handed it to the girl, then signing the other one's book.

"Can we have a picture with both of you?" the other girl asks Phil and he looks at me. I nod and he looks back at the girls.

"Yeah!" he says and the girls take turns taking pictures of us with the other. I hope I'm not blushing like an idiot because some people actually like me!

"Thank you girls," Phil says and they nod smiling.

"Are you two dating?" one of them asks and I look over at Phil and he looks at me as if we're both asking the other for an answer.


"Um," we both say and look back at the girl.

"I'll take that as a yes," the first one giggles and walks off with her friend. I bite my lip and walk back to the picnic table not wanting to make anymore contact. I sit down and look back up at Phil who was glancing at me confused, probably trying to figure out why I left. I take out my phone and play some games on it to try and keep me away from my thoughts so I don't have a freak attack right here.


After all the people leave completely, Phil walks over to me and sits on the table next to me. I lock my phone and put it in my pocket before looking up at the sun that was just starting to set.

"You left me," Phil says and entwines our fingers together. I blush and look around to see if anyone was watching.

"I was right here Phil," I say and scoot closer to him, resting my chin on the top of his head. He sighs and leans into my chest.

"Why did you leave?" he asks. His tone isn't mad or anything. Just curious. I sigh heavily.

"I didn't want to explode in front of your fans," I say quietly and he wraps an arm around my waist, slightly under my shirt, circling the bare skin with his thumb.

"Is that all?" he asks and I sigh.

"Nooo," I say.

"Is it the relationship thing?" he asks and I nod. "Well, those two girls seemed to figure it out. I don't have anything against telling the fans. Or I mean, we don't have to tell them, but we don't have to hide it too."

"So, do you think we should just carry on normally, but not actually tell people?" I ask feeling slightly confused. He nods.

"It won't be a secret, but it won't be official either," he says and leans up to kiss my neck. I breath out a small moan from the contact and he looks up at me confused.

"Sorry, my neck is so sensitive," I chuckle and he grins.

"That's cute," he replies and returns his lips to my neck, softly nibbling on the skin while I let my eyes shut and have shuddered breaths come out.

"So take a look at what we have here," a voice that gives me chills says behind us. I gasp, immediately recognizing the voice as we turn around and see three guys there. One of which who had crushed my windpipes earlier in the week.

"Hello," Phil said in a neutral tone.

"So is it official then?" one of them asks in a fake high pitched voice. Phil steps slightly in front of me as I whimper quietly.

"You're not really helping yourself," he says calmly and one of his hands reaches back and takes my own. "We were just minding our own business, okay?"

"And we were minding our own business too! But then I was kind of revolted to see that the sunset was being blocked by two faggots making out." the one that I've had previous encounters with says.

"He was kissing my neck for five seconds," I say quietly.

"If that's what making out is these days then I need to see what the sex is like," Phil says chuckling and a small smile creeps on my face.

"You think your funny, don't you?" the leader says.

"Oh, yeah, totally!" Phil says laughing and the guy takes a step closer. I back away slightly but Phil continues to hold my hand, keeping me there. "Go ahead," Phil says dangerously. "Swing," I gulp at what Phil said.

"Phil, don't!" I hiss and he shushes me. The guy looks back and forth at the two who are pretending like they weren't paying attention.

"You're lucky, faggot," he says and nods to his friends who walk off. I sigh and Phil turns, taking both of my hands and pulling me closer so our chests are touching.

"Why did you provoke him?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"Dan, I asked around, he's just a bully with no confidence, don't worry, we're going to be fine," he says and kisses my chin.

"But, he's going to hurt us," I whimper with tears spilling down my cheeks. "More importantly you," Phil brushes the tears off my cheeks.

"Look, okay, as I said, that guy has no confidence, he'll only hurt us and say anything if there's a lot of people around," he says. "And you know that the people here won't allow him to hurt us, they don't tolerate bullying."

"But, but, Phil," I say and he presses his forehead against mine.

"Shh, Dan, I wouldn't risk you getting hurt, don't worry cupcake," he says and I blush as he connects our lips. "We're going to be okay, honey badger,"

"If you get hurt it'll be my fault though," I whisper and he brushes a few more tears away.

"It won't be your fault, nothings ever your fault," he whispers and I nod against his head.


where did all of you come from? o.o

wasn't this at like 15 reads yesterday? lol no I know it wasn't but it feels like it xD

I'm so sorry there wasn't an update for two days and yes I know it's not long but I promise updates every day and I feel all bad now.. well yesterday I went to a place and the day before .. idk I've been going through some stuff but I feel better now and stuff so be HAPPY I'M BACK EVENTHOUGHIWASN'TGONELONGSHUTUP

also I'm really bored with naming the chapters something meaningful so what I'm going to start doing is naming each chapter something that's a reference to something I like and if you know it and feel like saying something tell me in the comments ;D

if you like this you should comment saying so and if you don't like it I don't know why you're this far in the story so.

*dances to broken record by plain white ts because that's what's playing right now* *flails arms goofily* *oops new song came on* *changes dance* *sits back down because exercise* *cheers because no soccer tonight :D* *wtf is this ending* *get's my writing pants on because I need to write more*


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