neuf ~ honey badger

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I finally reach my dormitory and burst inside, running my hand through my slightly curly hair from the sweat. I walk over and sit on my bed, clenching my fists. I know I'm going to lose it any minute.

I hated hearing all of that. That no one cares. That I'm a freak. A faggot. Just because that Phil and I are close, doesn't mean that we're dating! Potato shit nuggets this makes me so frustrated. Those guys have no idea who I am and they're trying to get into all of my shit. I hate it so much.

I can feel myself growing closer to my frustration and anger, and sadness. Tears prick in my eyes and I reach my peak. I begin to let out a loud choke of a sob when the door opens.

I move so I'm on the other side of the bed. It's probably a teacher and I don't want to talk to them about the bullies.

"Go away," I say through the tears and clench my fists tighter trying to avoid losing control in front of them.

"Dan? What did those douches say to you? Are you okay?" Phil asks and sits next to me on the bed. He's supposed to be in class.

"Phil you're going to be late," I say quietly and swallow a lump in my throat.

"I don't care, I was walking back so I could go to my locker, and saw you run away from those guys, I need to make sure you okay." he says and holds my hand, entwining our fingers. Even though I'm close to the attack, I can't help to blush at the contact.

"Phil, Phil I'm going to lose it," I say as calmly as I can and his arms wrap around me, pulling me so I'm almost in his lap.

"Go ahead, I'm here, you'll be okay," he whispers to me and I do. I sob hysterically into his arms and clench onto his shirt before running my hands repetitively through my hair, tugging on it trying to release some of the emotion some how.

Phil just holds me in his arms, his head against mine, and his fingers lovingly tracing patterns on my back which is very soothing. He whispers things in my ear telling me everything will be okay, while I basically scream into his chest from all the frustration I was building up.

I've never had someone hold me like this during my freak attack. Everyone would just avoid me because they were afraid that I might hurt them. And, it's really nice. I could definitely get used to this.

From Phil's soothing, and his arms, the attack doesn't last more than a couple minutes, and my tears quickly dry leaving me just sitting trapped in Phil's embrace.

"That was quick," he whispers and I smile.

"Only because of you," I say back and sit up, his arms still around my waist. "No one has ever held me like that,"

"Really?" Phil asked sounding genuinely surprised. I nod.

"People were sort of scared of me when I lost control," I say barely audible. He pulls me closer and I lean my head in the crook of his neck.

"If you ever need it, I'll be here to hold you and tell you that everything will be okay," he says to me and the most amount of butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Yay," I whisper and he giggles. I lean up and realize how close we are when my eyes meet his icy blue ones. I never thought I would be caught in this moment. Ever.

Oh my football pillow, did he just glance down at my lips? I think he did. Should I lean in? Or should I wait for him? Maybe he's nervous. I can't take the waiting any more. I lean in and let our lips connect. It would be unoriginal to say that there were fireworks, but that's the only way I can describe it.

I feel him smile into the kiss and I rest my hand on his cheek. That's when I realize what I was doing. Fucking clam eggs. I hate my disorder. So much. I pull away quickly and place my hand over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry, Phil! I don't know what I was thinking! Oh wait I wasn't thinking. Fuck my uncontrollable actions." I say rambling and place my face in my hands, but Phil doesn't remove his arms from my waist. He pulls my hands away from my face and tilts my chin up so I'm looking at him with one hand.

"Dan, you don't have to be sorry for kissing me, in fact, I encourage it!" he says and cups my cheeks, pulling me in to kiss him. I let my eyes close on their own and I rest my hands on his hips and move my lips softly on his. It's such an innocent kiss. I pull away and look in his eyes.

"You really encourage it?" I ask shyly and move my hand so I'm holding one of his that's still cupping my cheek.

"Of course, I mean, I've kind of wanted to do this since the day in the park." he says and my face turns pink.

"Why didn't you then? You knew I had a huge crush on you," I say quietly and giggle. He bites his lip and glances around before returning his gaze on my eyes.

"I was afraid," he whispers.

"Afraid of what?" I ask chuckling.

"I don't know, I mean, what if you didn't want to date me and you would never talk to me again," he says quickly and I look at him like he was crazy.

"Phil, I've loved you ever since I saw your first video, of course I'll date you!" I say and peck his lips again, blushing because I love how soft his lips are.

"So, uh, Dan?" he asks me quietly and looks down. I tilt his head up again.

"Yes Phil?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" he asks and I bite my lip to contain a grin.

"Yes!" I say a bit too eagerly and bounce a little bit. He giggles at me and stands up, pulling me with him. He wraps his arms around me neck and mine automatically go around his waist, pulling him closer to the kiss. His lips move slowly under mine, with his tongue shyly licking against my lips. I part them so he can kiss me properly and chills run up my spine at this action.

We pull apart after a couple minutes of making out, for air. His forehead is resting on mine and our arms are still around each other.

"I love you, Dan," he whispers and I smile.

"I love you too," I say back and feel a smile spread across my face. He giggles and I have my hands in fists that are around his waist.

"Happy attack?" he whispers to me and I nod eagerly after taking my head off of his. "You're cute when you're happy," he says and pulls away so I can have my moment of jumping on the bed and running around, dancing goofily.

This is what I've always wanted.

I could just end it here but I realized that would be stupid xD I just want it to end so I can start posting Killer's sequel D: is that bad?

Oh and Giving Tree, and Helium by the Plain White Ts (surprise surprise) are my new obsession and I've been listening to them over and over this past week.

I'm trying so hard to not make this story at all rated R.. I found out that "killer" got rated R and you can't search for anything rated R which pisses me off so much.. and that means the sequel will probably be R for some of the shit I wrote..

SO HEY HEY HEY if you're reading this please please please please check out my story called killer it is WAY better than this one I can promise you that! okay

*twerks for a split second* *smacks my own ass* *casually wonders why my shit is rated R* xD

later my rae's of sunshine (; (if you see what I did there I'll give you ten points)

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