douze ~ I'll float away, full of love like helium <3

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~a couple days later

Those douche punks haven't really said anything to us since the day at the park. I'm really happy about it too. I've been doing well in school. I really didn't think that I would be doing well in school, being in a relationship with the most gorgeous boy in the world and all.

Well, I wasn't doing very well in some of the classes, but Phil started tutoring me and I eventually I was able to get it. It was actually kind of hard when he was trying to teach me because I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, I was just staring at him.

Neither of us have made any other friends either. We just have each other. Some people say hi to us every once in a while and some people have seen Phil and I hugging in the hall way or holding hands so they know were dating.

There's not many people in this school that are homophobic. I mean there's a fair few that give us weird looks and scoff or something when we show a little bit of affection, but we've had many people tell us that they're happy that we're dating. I'm glad there's some good left in the world.

Phil hasn't cut in awhile too. I usually check them twice a day and I make him swear that he's not doing it anywhere else. He's told me that he's happy and doesn't need it because he has me to tell him he's beautiful which could not be more true. He jokes with me about how I'm going to forget his real name because I call him beautiful every other second.

Then I come back at him because he calls me honey badger almost all the time and it never fails to make me blush. I feel like I've found my true love.

I walk out of my last class, sighing because my day was finally over and I could go home to Phil's arms. I smile and gather my shit before walking to my locker and putting my fuckery in it, knowing I didn't have anything to do that night, and heading around the corner to head back to the dorms.

I'm not really paying attention at what was going on when I felt a hand slip in mine. I jump and let out a scream pulling my hand away to find Phil laughing by my side. I roll my eyes but keep smiling as I couldn't help it.

"Sorry I scared you," he says giggling.

"Warn me Phil, I thought you were someone else," I say and catch my breath. We begin walking again and I entwine our fingers.

"Oh, sorry, don't worry I'm not the big bully," he says totally getting it right away. "I wouldn't let him hurt you," I chuckle and nod a bit trying to show I believe him. I haven't stopped worrying about the bully and when the next time he was going to strike was. To be honest, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about Phil. He's fragile. He'll break easy and I don't want my baby to break.

"So, it's the weekend and we've got NOTHING planned, so what do you want to do these two days, beautiful," I say and I glance over to see him blush.

"I don't know honey badger, maybe we could see a film or something," he says and we walk out of the school.

"I like films," I say quietly and he smiles and pecks my cheek.

"Then we'll see a film!"

"I hope you know that I won't be paying attention though," I say quietly, blushing. He looks at me smiling from ear to ear.


"Because I'll just be cuddling into you the whole time," I say and he blushes.

"I'm okay with that," he says and I giggle before flying forward after someone had pushed me from behind. I fall to the ground, scraping my knee and yelping slightly from the sting. "Dan?" Phil asks surprised and he falls next to me from thee same arms that pushed me.

omg this sucks who are you people and why are you even reading

breaking news, today was my first day of school and I JUST started highschool so I'm internally screaming because HOLY FUCK PEOPLE WANT ME TO ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM SO IT'S KIND OF SCARY except I was paired up with an incredibly attractive junior in French and even though I was freaking out, I had a nice view

Today's Raeann reference is a song lyric.. if you're a so called "fan" of me and have read a lot of shit you can probably guess who wrote the song

I am so bored with this you have no fucking idea but of course I'm going to finish it :D I can't just leave it off eventhoughiwanttowhatwhosaidthatididn't

so so so so so so so so so so sorry for the short piece of shit I'm trying to call this a chapter

*cringes* *cries because school just started* *cries also because I DON'T WANT TO PLAY SOCCER ANYMORE GOD DAMMIT* *yawns because it's 11 at night while I wrote this* *z formation snap*

by all my lovelies! ;)

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