Hate = Amberlyn. Stupid = Seth & Riddles = Drusilla

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A/N Here's chapter 2 as promised!! This is Quint's point of view A.K.A the mysterious boy who saved them. Hope you enjoy!!! VOTE, FAN, COMMENT!!!!


Quints POV

After Jackie and Rowan fled, I stopped choking Seth. I give him a death glare. He smiles and does a quick change. Soon the werewolf is the familiar Blonde haired boy with a glint in his eye. An evil glint.

"I told you not to change!" I yelled at him. He almost blew our cover! Jackie must be onto something. She could tell something was up.

"Quint, buddy, calm down!" Seth says in his joke tone. I resist the urge to punch my best friend. I stalk out of the Haunted House, back into the pumpkins. Seth follows a bounce in his step due to the success of his prank. He thinks he waltz in a mess with my mission?

"Seth! I told you not to do that!" I exclaim. "Now they know something is up! You just messed up the mission!"

I breathe deeply and try to concentrate. If I have learned anything from tailing Jackie all these years, it's that she eats when nervous. Candy Store-bingo.

"Seth, just go and look for the portal, Ok?" I ask. He looks a little uneasy but nods and takes off. Amberlyn is SO going to mock me for this! I head towards "Ghoulish Goodies".

Jackie is no where in sight but I do spot Amberlyn. Lovely. Just what I need! My sister getting on my case about bringing Seth. How does she expect us to find anything without him? He has the most accurate smell ever.

Amberlyn struts over, her heeled boots clicking as she walks. Her curls bounce as she smirks. She decided to wear a tight black dress and red cardigan for a protection mission. Shows how much she knows.

"Run into trouble, brother dear?" She questions while smiling slyly.

"I've got it covered." I reply through gritted teeth.

"Whatever, check on it." I nod and turn without a goodbye. If I could slap my twin, I would.


A few minutes later, I'm in the pumpkin patch. Crouched below a hedge waiting for a sign of Jackie or Rowan or even Seth. I wait and wait but looks like no one is around. Being a protector can be boring.

I think back to Jackie's face when I burst through the door. Surprise said it all. The first time I saw her up close and I'm already in head over heels mode. I pick a nearby daisy and play she loves me- she loves me not.

I pluck it over and over but before I can decide my fate, the flower withers dead.

"I only like dead things" A girl's voice suddenly sounds. I whip around to find a floating daisy. Completely dried up.

"Drusilla? Is that you?" I whisper. Drusilla materializes, her hands cupped around the daisy.

"Hello Quint, nice to see you." She gives a faint smile.

Drusilla is wearing what she always does. The outfit she died in. It's a white wispy dress about knee length. Her blonde hair is in the elaborate updo as usual. Her feet are bare though as the hover above the ground. One day I'm going to have to ask how she died with no shoes.

"Hey Drusilla. Have you seen Jackie?"

"Yes." She replied blankly.


"Past the sprit, but to the beginning." Drusilla nods slightly as if that made sense. Her riddles are a speed bump.

"Past the sprit.... does that mean she passed by you here?" I guess. She bows her head. "To the begging... oh no she found the portal?"

"Close, but far she is." Drusilla whispers.

"This isn't good; I have to get Amberlyn and Seth! There isn't enough time!" I mutter.

"I can get them." Drusilla proclaims.


"Certainly. I can send them after you. Now follow her." Drusilla points past me. There is Jackie! She is holding Rowan's hand and talking to the other girl.

And they are headed right towards Trickem.

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