Chapter 10: At the Janoskians's party

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The dedication is for one amazing writer @Mayniacs4Lyf. Read her new fanfic 'I Still Hate You'. ;)

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Chapter 10

At the Janoskians's party

A week after the premiere was the Janoskians’s party. I was a bit nervous, no matter I broke up with Beau almost 1 year ago. I got Conor next to me now, so there weren’t anything to worry about, right?

 “It’s not fair you’re leaving us to die of boredom here, until you partying in Janoskians’s estate!” Joey shouted behind me and Conor, before we got to the car.

“Oh, come on Joey! Don’t act like a victim!” I said before I closed the car’s door and took down the window. “There’re much clubs in Melbourne, where you can go with the boys.”

“I know, but it won’t be the same without youuuu!” he cried and put up the doggy face.

I and Conor laughed. Joey’s doggy face always looked so sweet and funny.

“I’m sure you’re gonna deal with the boredom.” Conor laughed and got in the car. “See you after a day guys!”

We waved for goodbye and the car drove out.

The Janoskians’s estate was in the suburbs of Melbourne. When we arrived, it wasn’t that crowded, but after 30 minutes the cars started coming. The estate was magnificent! I just had to admit it. The room, which I and Conor settled in, was maybe bigger than my last apartment. There was a pool too and a big private beach behind the estate. God! It was like my dream home! And the surprises didn’t stop. When we went on the roof there was a mini golf course!  What the fu**?!

After the tour around the estate we went back to our room. A big tray of fruits waited us on the table. Just before I took one of the apples, I heard someone knocking on the door.

“Come in.” Conor yelled and Beau showed up.

“I’m sorry I’m worrying you guys. I just want to invite you to be our guests for a couple of days here after the party.” he said, a bit confused of Conor’s presence.

“Well, I don’t know Beau. We left Joey, Jack and Alex in Melbourne…” I tried to escape.

“Well, just tell them to come here.” Beau smiled.

“It’d be great. Thank you!” Conor smiled back.

“So that’s should be yes?”

“100% yes.” Conor answered Beau’s question still smiling, but his smile wasn’t real. I knew he didn’t like Beau.

“Okay! So see you in the party guys.” Beau smiled and walk out of the room.

“What are you doing? Since when you like Beau?” I asked Conor after Beau closed the door.

“I still don’t like him at all, but I just decide to give him a chance.” he smirked, putting one cherry in his mouth, which made we laugh somehow.

“You’re terrible.” I frowned and push Conor to the bed, but he wrapped his hands around my waist and I fall over him.

“I know.” he smirked and kissed me.

It was time for the party, which wasn’t looked in Janoskians’s style. I knew how their parties looked like. There were always a lot of alcohol and drugged girls, ready to pamper to every whim of the boys. Well here was the alcohol, but the drugged girls definitely missed. It was full of people, wearing formal clothes and talking quiet to each other. There were reporters as well, but maybe an hour ago they left. And then the real party started.

“Well guys! The reporters left so I think it’s time get back to normal!” Jai shouted and smirked, standing on the bar in the living room, which looked more like a ballroom.

I really didn’t get why Janoskians pretended to look like mature guys. We all knew they weren’t.

After Jai’s words everyone shouted and the real party began. The people took off their formal dresses and suits and their party casual clothes showed up. The music started and everyone started dancing. I and Conor looked at each other, shrugged and started partying. It was crazy and really fun! Just like in the old times when I was with Janoskians. Well a bit different. Now I was with Conor.

After 3 hours of dancing I was pretty tired. I said to Conor I was going to be upstairs and made my way to our room. I went to the terrace and looked at the beautiful night sky. Suddenly I felt cold hands around my waist and warm lips on my neck. Thought it was Conor I smiled and whisper:

“I’m tired for anything tonight Con.”

“But I’m not.” Australian accent whispered back.

I jumped and turned to see Beau’s turquoise eyes, but before I managed to push him away, he pulled me closer and kissed me. The kiss was amazing, but I felt it cold. Like it wasn’t real. It wasn’t full of love and passion like Conor’s kiss. The reason was simple - I didn’t love Beau. I loved Conor.

“What the hell are you doing Beau?!” I shouted, finally managed to escape from his hands and ran back in the room.

“Don’t you see Jess? The destiny reunites us back.” He replied, smirked and walked toward me.

“Beau, are you drunk?” I asked, but I didn’t get an answer, which meant ‘yes’.

He just gave me a dirty smile and took his shirt off.

“No Beau! I know what you want, but the answer is no! You’re drunk! Wake up!” I shouted and tried to run out of the room, but he grabbed my arm and pushed me on the bed. But in the following moment Beau was on the floor near the bed. I turned my head and saw Luke shaking his hand after the punch. I jumped and hugged him.

“Thank you Luke! Thank you!” I said and my eyes filled in tears.

When I turned I saw Jai, Daniel and James and after them like all of the people from the party came. Conor made his way through the crowd, came and hugged me.

“What happened?” he asked, looking at Beau on the floor.

I didn’t want to tell him, because I knew he’d freak out. But then Conor lift my arm and saw lividity, which was probably left from Beau. Then Conor looked at me and understood.

“You, son of a bitch!” Conor said before to jump over  the standing Beau and started punching him in the face.

But Beau just laughed and didn’t do anything to protect himself. The boys jumped and split Conor and Beau, but it looked like Beau had it coming.

“You liked it Jess, didn’t you? Just admit it! You still want me!” he smiled.

“Shut the fuck up!” Jai shouted at him and he and Daniel brought Beau out of the room

“Are you ok?” Luke asked me, after he and James let Conor sit on the bed.

“I will be.” I nodded and smiled. “Thank you guys.”

“You’re welcome Jessy.” they smiled back and went out.

“We’re leaving! Now!” Conor yelled at me and the car’s keys, after Luke and James closed the door.

“Please! Let me explain!” I yelled back, but Conor left the room.

I had no choice and followed him to the car. Through all the way back to Melbourne he didn’t tell me a word. I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t my fault that I had to be almost raped from my ex. What the hell Conor wanted? Apologize?

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Hi guys! So the new chapter is finally up. It’s a bit longer this time and I really hope you like it.

Don’t forget to vote and comment. ;)



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