Chapter 7: Last time on the video set

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Chapter 7

Last time on the video set

It was Friday. The 10th day of the shoots of the video clip. Conor and I weren’t hiding our feelings about each other and actually everybody were happy for us.

In the morning Conor picked me with his car as usual. All week was rainy and this day wasn’t exception.

It was time to shoot the scene where the boy and the girl meet each other after years on the pavilion in the park and kissed. The scene really seemed like my first kiss with Conor.

Conor and I went to the dressing rooms and after 30 minutes we were ready.

“So I think it wouldn’t be hard for you two to play this scene.” Rohan said and smiled to us. “So let’s start.”

I made my way to the wooden pavilion in the park and sat on the table, looking at the rain. The playback started and the shoots began. One of the cameras was aimed at me and the others were at Conor. In the middle of the way to the pavilion Conor stopped and yelled my name. I turned, smiled and ran to him. I jumped in his hug, wrapped my legs behind his back, took his face and we kissed. Every kiss with him was magical. I loved him. Damn it, man! I loved this boy!

“And stop!” Rohan shouted, but the kiss finished maybe 20 seconds after this.

Everyone started clapping and so did we. We finally were finished.  Then we saw Rohan was bringing something on a tray. When he put the tray on one table we saw it was a cake.

“I think we need to celebrate for the completion of the video…” Rohan started. “… and our new couple.” he looked at us with Conor.

“Thank you Rohan and all of you guys! Only for 2 weeks you became like my family, which I can count on and love so much! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and I hope one day I’d repay you.” I said with a smile.

“Awwwww!” everybody said in the same time after my words and followed one big group hug.

After we ate the cake it was time to go. We said our goodbyes and I got in Conor’s car.

“Jessy, I have to ask something…” Conor started with a smile.


“After one month will be the premiere of the video clip and I’d like you to accompany me. Would you come?” he continued.

“It’d be pleasure for me.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

“But there is something else.” His tone wasn’t sounded happy any more.

“What is it?”

“The premiere will be in Australia.”

Wait! What?!

“Where in Australia? Please don’t tell me it’s going to be in Me-“ I started.

“Melbourne.” He finished my sentence.

It was music video premiere so a lot of famous singers and bands were going to be there.  That meant The Janoskians was going be there as well. And Beau. Fuck!

 ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ Authors note ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ ~ ❇ 

Hi guys! Here you are the new chapter. I really hope you like it. ;)

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Love ya all,

Geri (@gerimayniac)

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