Correlation: love & beauty

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Everyone is beautiful, the Internet says. Lies.

If everyone is beautiful why do you get 100 likes on Instagram and comments everywhere you go, and I don't.

I know, for two people to stay together there must be something more then looks. I agree. But for the first step looks are crucial. If you don't have looks, you don't even get a chance! Nobody is interested in meeting you. You don't exist.

It's sad that some people never experience this. Attractive people will never know what it's like to never get a compliment, never have a guy/girl smile at you, never have a guy/girl approach you in a bar. They will never know the struggle. Life is easy for them. It has been scientifically proven that attractive people are more likely to get a better job, more money and have more friends then unattractive part of the world.

People fall in love based on their appearance. Why are we denying this?


The only reason why that blond guy next door developed a crush on that girl from school is because she is cute. When we see a beautiful person we automatically assume that that person is probably a good person, intelligent and all that crap. We are taught like this.
Just like Disney has taught us to view people with big noses as evil. Captain Cook from Peter Pan, that granny who gave an apple to Snow White, and so on. EVERYWHERE, AND I MEAN EVERYWHERE, villains are always portrayed as big nosed, ugly bi*ches.

And for some reason, people aren't lovable until they're dating someone.

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