"Oh. Hahaha, I thought-"

"Yea... I know what you thought, nasty."

She blushed and climbed out of his arms.

"Haha, whatever..." Nicki walked over to her closet as Drake sat on her bed and watched her search for a bathing suit to wear. She picked out one Drake had gotten her. Nicki then began to take her shirt off to put the swimsuit on.

"Hey... did you ever call you Mom back?

Nicki stopped in midair. "Oh shoot. I forgot... Where's my phone?"

Drake reached into his pocket and handed it to her.

"Thanks babe." She walked over to the sliding door and looked out in the blue sky, She called her Mom and was immediately greeted with a hurried hello.

"Whoa, you sound like you're in a rush. What's up? You called earlier?"

"YES! Nick, I'm sorry for such late notice, but you have something very important to do today. I tried calling last night, but you didn't answer."

"What Mom!? What is it?"

"Did you remember at 11am you have a photo shoot to do for the October issue of Glamour magazine."

Nicki looked at her blackberry to check the time; it was 10:12am.

"I'm really sorry Nicki. I should have tried your phone again earlier this morning."

"No Mom... It's... Not your fault..."

"I can't believe you remember that!"


"I said it's not your fault. Shit happens. Where's the venue?" She asked, rubbing her temple.

"Your place..."

"Wait.... you've gotta be kidding me?" She looked over at Drake who had laid back on her bed with his feet on the floor. "Mom, I can't have them here. Can we shoot elsewhere?"

"Nicki? It's sort of last minute. I don't think they can change it in such short notice."

"Well whose fault is that Mom?!"

"............................... I'll see what I can do... I'll call Martin then!"

"Good. Call me as soon as you hear anything."

"Of course. Oh, Day and Terrence should be there any second... "

Nicki called Martin ....

"MARTIN?! What the hell are you good for?! You need to work on ya time management! Next time somethin like this happens, I'm not doin it. I don't care what it is."

"Ok, ok Nicki. I'm really sorry."

"Ch... aren't you..... get off my phone." She hung up. "Drake?" She walked over to him and tapped him on his knee. He opened his eyes and sat up. "Um... we have a problem... Um, I-" Her phone rang. "Hold on.......... Hello?"

"Yea, we have good news. Glam mag is running a little behind schedule so they won't be ready 'til 12pm. I asked them to change the location and they agreed. They're jus waiting for me to call back. Where do you wanna shoot?"

"Oh yes! Thank you Martin! Um, how about my apartment in downtown LA? We could shot there?"

"Ok, no problem. I'll let them know. The truck should be there to pick you up in an hour."

"Ok. Sounds good. I'll be ready by then."

"Alright. Bye Nic."

"Martin wait!! What about Terrence and Day?"

A Dricki Love Story: This Was Meant To Be.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ