Where Are You?

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Nicki couldn't get comfortable in the big bed by herself. She was all alone in the large home and Drake sent her the link to the new version of 'On My Way', his voice in her ear was almost as amazing as having Drake right there next to her.

Once she finished listening, she called him.

"Aubrey?" she said into the phone and he spoke back.

"hey baby, you like the song?" he asked and Nicki almost moaned at the sound of his voice. She was so turned on that at that point anything and everything he did made her want him more and more.

"I loved it," she said and Drake thought she sound strange, but a good strange. "Are you on your way home, I need you to do something for me." Nicki said.

"Yeah, 40 gon drop me off." he said as they got into the car.

"Okay, how long till you get her though," she asked and Drake cocked an eyebrow.

"I don't know, maybe twenty minutes." he said and Nicki pouted.

"Really Papi?" she asked and Drake smirked. He knew she was horny if she started calling him Papi for no reason.

"Oh you need me for that," he said and put an emphasis on the last word.

"Yes, that song turned me on and I need you home now!" Nicki groaned and Drake chuckled.

"I think you can wait, I'll be home soon baby girl just chill until I get there," he said and Nicki sighed before rolling onto her stomach.

"Fine, I love you."

"I love too, bye"


They hung up and Nicki put the phone on the charger before she went back to twisting and turning in sheets. She kept trying to take a nap to pass time but she couldn't focus.

After twenty minutes Drake still wasn't home and Nicki was ready to rip her hair out from the stress. That song did something to her, plus they hadn't had sex in two and a half weeks since they were so busy.

Nicki called him again and again but he didn't pick up, he didn't feel like having phone sex with his best friend sitting next to him.

"Why is Nicki calling you so much?" 40 asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah but nothing serious, she just really needs me to get home as soon as possible so I can do something important for her," Drake explained nonchalantly and 40 cocked an eyebrow at his friend.

"Okay?" he said and returned his attention to road, settling on the fact that his friends were just weird people.

Nicki on the other hand, couldn't take it anymore and sat up. She threw her shirt off, letting it fall to the floor.

"That nigga betta have a good ass reason for being late!" Nicki said through gritted teeth.

Drake was frustrated too, there was an accident on the freeway so they had to take the long way around which would add another twenty minutes to the ride. He wanted to get to Nicki, and not just because he was afraid of her being angry, which he wasn't. Drake just wanted to tend to her so they both could finally relax.

Nicki laid on her back and groped around her body, pinching and squeezing just as Drake would with his teeth. She bit her lips and mewled at her own touch. It wasn't as good as when Drake did it but it was definitely better than nothing at all.

Finally Nicki let ease down her body to her center. She rubbed her soft sensitive skin slowly before running her fingers lower and lower. She let the song play as the first they time they made love came to mind.

A Dricki Love Story: This Was Meant To Be.Where stories live. Discover now