Saving the war god

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Clara POV
I'm walking through the hotel and I see and elevator that was easy I iris message Jake to tell the others that there is an elevator that we can go up in I found a bathroom the bathroom is about 56 step away from the elevator. I go in the bathroom and start creating the mist.

"Oh iris please accept my offering and show me Jake Valdez at the Château Frontenac"

"How's my water brain"

"I found a way up"

"You didn't answer my question"

"Good and I found a way up"

"Oh do we get to climb a ladder or we climb on the side of the building oh we get to go through the vents or how ab-"

"No it was an elevator and it is pretty obvious elfiy"

"Oh I thought we get to do something dangerous"

"Our whole life is dangerous Jake"

"Oh well then I will iris message the Max and Emily and you iris message Mya bye water brain"

"Bye elfiy"

Then the call disconnected and I went to iris message Mya

"Oh iris please accept my offering and show me Mya Turank in the Château Frontenac"

"Hi Clara did you find anything"

"I found something pretty simple"

"What is it"

"An elevator"

"Okay I will be there Clara if I can find you" then the call disconnected then I left the bathroom and walked back to the elevator I waited for 2 minutes and then Max shadow traveled here and then Emily I wasn't scared when they shadow traveled in front of me without a warning the first time I meet them they shadowed traveled in front of me I got scared and fell into the lake at camp
"So know we need to wait for two more people" Max said

Then I see a kid running down the hall take a look and as the kid comes closer it's Jake I was in the middle of the hall and the Jake trips and falls at my feet
"That hurt" I hear him say but it was muffled since his face is on the floor I kneel down and say
"Why were you running" I said and then I flip him over so his back is on the floor and the tip of my hair is touching his face

"What I can't run because I want to run I thought this was a free country" Jake said

"Jake we are not in America we are in Canada okay" I say then I get up and hold my hand out to help him up and he grabs it and he gets up "now we've got to wait for Mya to come" I say

It has been five minutes and Mya isn't here
Then I hear the elevator ding I turn around to see my with bag of chips in her hands
"Coming" is all she said

"That was a nice entrance" Jake said and I walk foward and say to Mya

"Why didn't you get me a bag of chips" I say

"It doesn't matter let's go"

We all walk into the elevator there is 18 floors we needed to go on 16 or 17 I press 17 and we start going up and me and Mya start sharing a bag a chip for about a second and then all of a sudden HER bag of chips became MY bag of chips and the I was on the opposite side of where she was on the elevator then

The elevator doors open and we all walk it for some reason there is a trash can next to the elevator. I throw the empty bag of chips away.
"Jake so I want you stay here and cal-" I say then I hear a roar I look around and at the top of the stairs I see a manticore looking down at the five or us and then the manticore started running down the stairs I get out of its way we all do then Mya made a ice path so the manticore can fall and the manticore went down it he started to slip and fall it was pretty entertaining and then Mya froze it solid
"This is going to give up time to go upstairs" Mya said

"Mya that was amazing good job," I say "Jake call Festus and get ready when I make a signal get close to the window up stairs so we can escape with Ares got it"

"Yep water brain," he said "got it"

"Okay stay safe" I say and I kiss him and the rest of us started going up the stairs when I reached the top I look back and see Jake looking at me and he waves and I wave back and I start walking down the hall way as we are walking I say "okay have your weapons ready I have a feeling that we are about to see more monsters"

The Kids of Olympus: The Beginning (UNDER CONSTRUCTION/REWRITTEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora