Coming home

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Jake POV
       I see camp half-blood up ahead and guess what Clara drooled on me again YAY(I'm being sarcastic by the way)
"Okay get ready for landing" I say and Festus starts to land as Festus lands I see our family, Festus lands I get off of Festus and go and run to my family and hug them it was a nice family hug
"Thanks dad for sending Festus with us" I said

"No problem," he said "now who is your girlfriend" then I saw my moms eyes widen

"You have a girlfriend Jake who is it" my mom says (I wonder why she always smell like cinnamon) I point at Clara trying to get Ares off with Emily and Max but Mya I can't see her

"Your dating the granddaughter of Poseiden and Athena," my dad said "give me a high five" he says and I give him a high five

"You have a girlfriend" my 10 year old sister Hailey said

"Ooh" my brother 10 year old brother Cody said and both Hailey and Cody started to make kissing noises and my dad joined in two my mom punched him in the arm and he stopped and so did the twins
"So do we get ice cream or we just stand here" my dad said and we went to get ice cream.

Clara POV
        After me and Emily got Ares off of Festus a few Apollo kids took him to the infirmary I got off of Festus and I see my family my mom brother and sister and my dad I started crying a little bit and I ran to my dad and gave him a hug "I'm so sorry I went on the quest without telling you I'm so sorry" I say and still hugging him
"It's okay Clara I forgive you" he says I pull away from the hug to see my sister holding her arms out for a hug then I go and hug her
"Cece" Zoë says and she releases from the hug and I hug my brother for a couple of seconds and then I hug my mom
"Thanks mom for giving me the information I needed" I say I pull away from the hug
"Family hug" I say and I'm holding my arms out and we all group hug and since my sister is 1 my dad had to carry her for the group hug and we stay like this for a while.

Emily, Clara, and I had to figure out how to take Ares off of Festus without hurting him it took a while but we managed and I got off of Festus I turn around and see Emily behind me and she points behind me I turn around again and see my family my mom, dad, sister, and brother, Emily and I ran towards our family and we hugged them
"So Ricky how did it go with I-s-a-b-e-l" Emily said I have no idea what she is talking about

"Good I think I'm going to wait until I'm older to tell her" Ricky said

"Good" Emily said and hugged Ricky

"I'm so glad you guys are alive" my mom said and hugged both of us

"I am too mom" I said and my dad is holding Iliza he is smiling.

      I got off of Festus and went to my cabin immediately I went to my cabin unnoticed it was 6 right now I am still thinking of seeing Timmy was it real or my imagination I rested on my bed a couple of minutes later I fell asleep

I see a little boy coming towards me he gets closer, and closer, and closer and it's Timmy
"Hello Mya" he said

"Hi" I say back

"I will be waiting"


"I will be waiting at Malibu find me where you think I died Mya"

"Timmy I"

"I will be waiting" he said and he started to fade

I wake up it was a dream then I realize I need to find my brother.

The Kids of Olympus: The Beginning (UNDER CONSTRUCTION/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now