The bronze dragon is back

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Jake POV
Those tacos were REALLY GOOD I started to make a late birthday present for my brother and sister I kind of forgot to give them a present there birthday is on June 3rd(😐😕)
"So what are you doing" I looked up to see who the voice was and it was Mya

"Um I'm making a gift" I said

"For Clara"

"No for my brother and sister" I said and she looked confused

"They are twins" I said I looked over at Emily she is lying on the ground passed out she must've made a really big jump if she passed out instantly she is using Max's jacket as a pillow I think Max must've been really cold right now
"They are a really cute couple are they" Mya said

"Who?" I said

"Emily and Max" she responded

"What!! Emily and Max are twins there dad even came" I said

"Okay I need to tell you that I forget some things easily and plus I wasn't there most of the time when there dad was there," she said "so he is available"

"Yea he is" I said

Then all of a sudden I hear this big roar coming out of nowhere I put the almost finished gift in my pocket then out of nowhere this bronze dragon came out of nowhere then I realized its Festus(A/N sorry if I spelled it wrong) my dads dragon "Festus over here" I said and waved my hands
"Jake what are you doing" Mya said

"Calling Festus" I said still waving my hands

"Who is Festus?" Mya said

"My family's bronze dragon" I said as Festus descended down and landed
Clara came out of the woods and Max came out of the other side of the woods
"Guys remember Festus" I said
Clara came up to him and said "my parents told me stories about Festus"
Then I find a note saying

Hey bud
So I heard you the campsite on fire
Don't worry I destroyed new Rome once
So Festus is hear to help you
And I heard you got a new girlfriend
I fixed up Festus to help you guys on the quest
PS. Do not bring him back dead

I looked at my dads note "come on guys hop on hopefully we get to see where we are" I said and hoped on Festus then I helped Clara up and Max had Emily so he shadow traveled up onto Festus and Mya went last right behind Max, Max had Emily in his arms "ready Festus" he made a few creaks in morse code and we flew off and Clara held my waist tightly because she is scared of heights "Clara it's going to be fine just don't look down" I said then I looked back and I saw her smile then I looked forward again then I saw a sign saying


"guys Emily made a huge jump" Clara said "how far" Max said

"Like 30 hours worth of walking she is going to be asleep for about 2 and a half days or maybe even 3 days" Clara said

"So where is our next location water brain" I said

"Um...Quebec city my mom said that's where Ares is captured" Clara said and my mind is like how in Hades does the God of war get captured and who would

"Wait so the god of war is captured it's like saying Zeus got captured or maybe even Athena" I said "or maybe even Hermes"

"I don't know why he got captured or how but I have a feeling Khione captured him because she wants to over throw gods and Demi-gods" Clara said

Then we started flying north of Bridport

"Um Clara where is Bridport" I said


Dang, Emily traveled a lot she is pretty strong for a 13 year old she is stronger than me and Max and Clara combined I think it's because her mom is a Roman praetor and Romans are really strict.

"Max your sister is pretty strong if she can shadow travel that far" I said

"I think I already know that" he said

"We should stop at Sherbrooke it's like an hour from here if we are flying" Clara said

"Okay Sherbrooke it is," I said "SHERBROOKE HERE WE COME!!" And we rode of into the sunset (sounds like one of those romance movies or something right).

(A/N I am thinking about releasing the cover for the second book in a few chapters I really hope you guys are enjoying this story)

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